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Jay's POV
I woke up to screaming, I grabbed my gun, and then I saw Hailey in my guest bedroom. She was flailing and screaming "no stop please dont" "stop it hurts" "I know it's my fault I'm sorry don't hurt her please! It kept going, and I climbed onto her bed, and tried to wake her up, I grabbed her shoulders shaking her, until finally she woke up. She woke up in a panic, and was terrified and confused. I leaned over to try and give her a hug, but she flinched away "please dont" squeaked her tiny voice
"Ok ok hails, calm down you had a nightmare, I was just trying to wake you up I'm sorry. " Eventually she fell back asleep, and I went back to my room to go to sleep. I woke up a few hours later, and Hailey was stills sleeping, so I closed her door so I didn't wake her while I made breakfast. When she came out she was in shorts and a tank top, revealing black, blue and red all over her body, I tried not to stare but couldn't help it. "Hail, are you ok" "I am now, ooh what's for breakfast." She said quickly changing the topic.
"Pancakes and sausage" I replied

I got us both plates, and we sat down on the couch and started eating.

"I guess I still need to tell you what happened huh" she said

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to push her but I really want to know what happened, and according to Voight, he doesn't know much either, I guess she started to say something about her dad then she passed out.

"Yeah, whenever you're ready" I said

A few minutes later she put her plate on the ground next to mine, and pulled her knees up so she was hugging them, I turned so that we were now facing each other.

"Jay" "Yes hailey" "promise me one thing" "anything" "that if I tell you you're not going to leave" she said trying not to cry
"Of course, I'm not going anywhere" I reassured her. "It's my dad he"

End of Jay's POV
Haileys POV

"Hailey?" He said quizzically
"What why are you looking at me like I have a extra Eye!!" "Hailey are you on your period?" "What no why would you even" as I looked down I saw blood covering my whole crotch. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to see what it was.
No no no, a stitch had been torn, and now I was bleeding pretty badly. Jay!! I called

"Can I come in" he asked
"Jay I need to get to Med can you drive me?" "Of course come here what happened"

"I I think I must have torn a stitch" his face dropped as he realized why I had stitches. Ok, Come on let's get you to med

As we showed up, Will, came over and asked what happened, "I think I tore a stitch or something Will its bleeding bad and it hurts" I said

Ok, Maggie with me he yelled, causing me to flinch

He took us into a private room and I sat down on the bed, Jay sat behind me his arms around my shoulders

"Hailey, I need yoh to change into this gown and let me look and see what's happening. Do you want Jay to go wait outside?"

"No I want him to stay"

"Ok I'll be back in a minute I need you to put this on" he said handing me the hospital gown.

Once they left, I stood up and jay helped me change into the gown, then I climbed back on the bed, and we sat how we were before, I was leaning my head on Jay's shoulder, when Will came in with Maggie.
"Ok Hailey, I need you to bend your knees place your feet on the bed and spread your legs. I did, and Maggie draped a cloth over my legs.

A couple seconds later, they decided they needed to clean the area, so they could see which stitch it was. It stung, but Jay calmed me down, and massaged my shoulders the whole time. 10 minutes later I had a few new stitches, and we were waiting for my discharge papers.

Maggie came in and asked Jay to leave for a second, he looked at me and I nodded signaling that I would be ok.

"Ok Hailey, here's this cream, it needs to be applied on top of the stitches 2 or 3 times a day for the next week."

"Hailey I hate to ask you this, but It wasn't Jay hurting you was it?"

"No, it wasn't him, it was my my dad. Jay he he didn't even know, well he still doesn't know what happened, I started to tell him then I popped the stitch."

"Ok, I'm sorry I just had to ask." She said before leaving the room

Maggie told Jay, the same thing she told hailey about the cream, in case she forgot, or was planning on just not doing it.

They scheduled a follow up appointment for her knee, wrist and to check the stitches.

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