New apartment

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Haileys POV
Today, I was moving into my new apartment. We found one very quickly, but, we couldn't figure out any evidence on who came to my apartment. So he isn't in jail. Bit we are hoping that If I get a new apartment and move they won't find me again. I've been staying with Natalie for a few days which has been amazing. I would have been ok staying with Jay too, I hate it, because i know they would never hurt me but I still get really nervous when I'm around him or Will.

I go the keys to my new apartment, which was awesome by the way. I sold the last one, and the new one was 5 grand cheaper then my old one, because of the location. Sure it was a bit further from work, but it had an underground hot tub, which I was super excited to use. Me, Nat Jay and Will started loading things into Jay and Wills truck, somehow everything fit. It took us about 4 hours, everyone was carrying and helping move stuff in and get it set up, we had all the big furniture where I wanted it. Jay and will did most of that, while me and Nat moved the boxes and little stuff. A few hours later it was almost completely set up. But it was now dinner time, and we hadn't planned anything yet. Until Will, mentioned my grill that they moved into the backyard. I had some burgers and steak in my freezer already, so they started to cook those, while me and nat headed to the store.
We headed to Kroger, to get some fruit and veggies. When we went inside, i was really nervous, and could feel my anxiety building. But Nat was a big help, she held my hand and distracted me while we got some fruit and veggies. We were about to leave, when I saw a box of make your own deep fried fudge brownies, I let go of Nats hand and walked over to grab them. We checked out and headed back to my brand new apartment.
When we got there, Will yelled and said that burgers were almost done. Which started me, but I relaxed quickly, and helped Nat up the fruit and Veggies, while starting the brownies. We made a fruit/veggie charcuterie board, and brought it to the table, right then the boys walked in with the burgers. We all sat down to eat, and we talked and had an amazing time. The timer went off for the brownies, Nat jumped up and got them out of the oven, and brought them to the table.
Honestly, today was amazing, I felt normal again. We ate and laughed until 10 o clock. Then they headed home, after helping clean up of course, I tried to tell them it was fine but they wouldn't listen. After they left, I locked all the doors, and checked that my new alarm system was working, and all set up. Before getting in the shower and going to bed.

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