Time heals things

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6 Months Later

Haileys POV
It's been 6 months since, the whole situation with my dad. I'm still in my new apartment, I rarely have nightmares or flashbacks anymore so thats good. At first, when I would have them, I would try to ignore it, and I definitely wouldn't be telling anyone. But at some point I realized, that hiding it all, and keeping it all in wasn't doing any good. So I scheduled a appt with Dr Charles, and I got back to seeing him, i only felt the need to to to 4 or 5 sessions, but they were really helpful, he taught me how to cope, and work through the trust issues i had began to have.

Me and Nat were pretty much best friends now. And something super exciting! Me and Jay are now dating, we have been for about 5 months now! So much has changed, and in a good way. Also, Nat and Will are getting Married! He proposed about a month ago, and the wedding is on Saturday. Naf asked be to be the Maid of Honor, her bridesmaid's are Maggie, April, Vanessa. We all are getting together to do a photoshoot in about and hour.



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