The middle school

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Kim and Adam walked into the bullpen, ans said ""Hey Voight what's up?" Seeing as he obviously was looking for someone or something. "Where's Upton at?" He asked
"Umm, I think she's talking to Platt, do you want me to go get her?" "No it's fine, I'll catch her when she comes up." He said

A few minutes later

"Upton my Office Now"
She came in and shut the door before saying "whats up?"
"I got a call from Stonebrook Middle School, they want me to send you down, and try to talk to one of the students." "Ok, why?" "They won't tell me over the phone, but we don't have a case, so  you head down there, see what's up." "Ok sarge I'll keep you in the loop."

A few minutes later
     Haileys POV
I approached the front desk, as kids passed by in a giant swarm, as the bell rang. I'm so glad I'm done with middle school I laughed to myself while I waiter for the front desk lady, who I recognized to be Chief Boden from 51s wife Donna to get off the phone.
"Detective Hailey Upton, my Seargant sent me down here, said you needed me"
"Yes, Detective thank you for coming, right this way, she has quite an attitude, but, I'm sure you can handle it. We caught her with this is her backpack" she said holding up a bag of what looked like crystal meth. "Ok, but why did you call me specifically?"
"Truth is, I'm doing this kind of off the books, I just don't believe she is one to do drugs, there is more to the story and i teust that you will actually look into it."

"Ok, I'll see what I can do, ill try and figure it out but I'm not making any promises."
We arrived at the room labeled teachers lounge, and Donna left me with the girl.
She was sitting in one of the chairs staring into space, with a hoodie, and jeans on I sat down in the chair across from her and introduced myself "my names Hailey Upton, I'm a Detective, Mrs.Donna the front desk lady, called me, what's your name?" I said

"Emma, why do you care." She said with a very snarky attitude.
"I care because meth was found in your backpack. But we can talk about that later, get up we're leaving" I told her, when she stood up I thought I noticed something on her neck

"Where are we going I can't leave the the school"

"Emma, you're coming with me, I've cleared it with the school"

She followed me and climbed into the passenger seat. I started driving
"So, Emma, the way this works is, you can either tell me what's going on, because I don't see you as one to do drugs."
"Well you're right they're not mine"
"Then whose are they"
"I can't tell you that"
"Why not"
"Because quite frankly I don't feel like going into foster care" she said with a look of instant regret
I decided to leave it alone for a few minutes

"Ok Emma, you've got a few options, the one i would pick is we can go to a Cafe, get some breakfast and you can tell me the truth, or I can bring you to the district and put you in an interrogation room, until you tell me the truth."

"Fine, but you have to promise me one thing"
"and what is that" I asked her

"That you won't tell my dad I talked to you, also that you don't turn me in too CPS'
"I think I can work with that" i told her

"Alright were here, don't try and run, cause if you do I put it over the radio, and CPS is alerted, then they will probably go talk to you parents"

"Parent" she corrected me

We got a table away from everyone else, and ordered some food

"Ok, so you said the drugs weren't yours, so who's are they?"

"You're not going to send me away to cps or tell my dad are you?"


"My dads" she said scratching at her wrist
I reached over and placed my hand on top of her to get her to stop scratching

She stopped and put her hands in her lap

"They're my dads, he makes me buy them, and bring them home to him"

"Ok, that's good, where do you get then from?"

"There's a kid, on the corner of 12th street"

"Ok, now earlier, when you stood up I noticed what looked like a bruise on your neck, what happened there?"

At that moment the waitress brought out food
And looking over at Emma she was completely frozen and looked like she was about to run

Once the waitress left I changed the subject.
"So do you play any sports?"
"No, I used to but my dad didn't like it"
"What sports did you play?" I asked planning to come back to her dad later

"I don't know if it really counts as a sport but I used to box"
"Oh, that's really cool, my friend Antonio owns a boxing place you'll have to check it out" I said completely forgetting that her dad wouldn't let her

We ate, and talked about school, and normal stuff, and I think she actually started to trust me a little bit

I pulled out my wallet to pay, and she freaked out, reaching in her pockets

"Emma, stop, you're not paying I brought you here, I'm paying" I laughed

I paid and we got in the car

I looked at the time, and realized it was 2 50

"Emma what time do you normally get home at?"
"3 00, it's only like 5 mins from here tho"

"Ok, Emma, I'll drive you home, and your dad doesn't need to know anything happened"

"Really?" She looked up at me in surprise

"Yep, you did everything I asked you to today, do you have a phone?"
"Yeah, I do"
"Ok, here's my card, if you need anything call me, or come to the district, 21st just ask the lady at the desk for me and I'll come no matter the time, day or night"

She nodded,

"Ok, can you drop me here, I'll walk the rest of the way so that he doesn't know you dropped me off. "

"Ok, Emma, be safe, and remember call me no matter what"
"Ok I will, thank you Detective"

"Hailey" I said smiling, she reminded me of myself

"Ok" she said as she smiled and got out of the car starting to walk down the road

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