Emma Jones

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Kims POV
"I'm fine I don't need a hospital" Adam protested

"Ruzek, go get checked out" Voight said


"No buts now" said Voight in a tone that clearly was not messing around

A few hours have passed, Adam was cleared to come back to work, but he did end up with a cracked rib. I mean, it is expected, he fell, no not fell was pushed and fell 8 feet to the bottom of the tracks.
Thank God there wasn't a traim coming

We got the guy, turns out his name is Micheal Johansen, We are still looking into him, but he's going away for at least 10 years, on accounts of assaulting a police officer, and kidnapping a minor.

Although I don't know what happened to the girl, after we got the guy in custody, Hailey and the girl disappeared. I tried to ask Voight where they were but he shut me down. They're hiding something, but I don't know what.
End of Kims POV

A few hours later.....
"Alright guys good work head home, unless we catch a case before then ill see you Monday." Voight said before turning around and going into his office.

He himself had an hour or so of paperwork left to do before they could officially put Johansen away.

He finished and was putting on his coat, ready to head out when his phone rang.


"Sarge, I'm with Emma, at med, it's not good, I know I've got paperwork to do, but I promise I'll get it done, I just can't leave her here all alone." Hailey pleaded sounding desperate

"Hailey, it's fine, make sure shes taken care of" Voight said before disconnecting the call


Haileys POV
Emma's asleep, and I'm sitting in the chair next to her

"Emma Jones, is that right?" Dr Choi said as he came into the room

I nodded

"What seems to be the problem today?" Dr Choi asked

I glanced over and she was still out cold "I'm not really sure, she was being held hostage, and we think the same person kidnapped and held her for about 3 days, but were not sure" I said

"Oh, so you're not her mom?" He asked clearly surprised

"No, I'm Detective Hailey Upton, Intelligence"

"Oh ok then, we'll run some blood work, just to make sure they didn't give her anything. I'll be back in just a few minutes." He said before leaving

"Alright, I'll get this blood drawn, can you hold her other arm in case she wakes up for me?" He asked

I did, and he drew 4 vials of blood before wrapping her arm and leaving.

2 hours later

"Bad news, we found high levels of oxicotin, and a few other drugs in her system" he said

"I called Voight and was telling him what was going on when she woke up she opened her eyes, and looked around the room before she started thrashing and trying to get up and run

I jumped up, to try and calm her down throwing my phone on the chair
"Emma calm down, you're in the hospital it's ok" I said holding her down

"Sorry Voight I'll call you back in a bit" I said before hanging up and going back to Emma

"Why the hell did you bring me here" she asked I could see the panic in her eyes

"After you were held hostage at the train station, you passed out, before the whole train station thing, your school had reported that you had been absent for over a week, and they couldn't get in contact with your parents. We weren't sure what happened, but from what it looked like with what we knew, it appeared he had kidnapped you. So we brought you here just to make sure you were ok" I said hoping she understood

"Well you're wrong" she snapped at me

"Ok, then can you tell me what happened?" I asked

"He didn't kidnapp me" she said

"Ok, can you tell me what actually happened?" I asked her

"No" she said firmly before rolling over so her back was to me

Bring bring bring, I heard my phone ringing

"Detective Upton"

"Hailey, what did you figure out, is she ok?" Voight asked

"Well, I'm not sure, they did a blood test, cause of the kidnapping theory, but apparently she wasn't kidnapped, that's all she'll tell me."

"Ok, what did the blood test show"

"So that's the thing, only reason she's still here, they found high levels of oxi and a few other things in her blood, said she most likely passed out because of how high she was mixed with the adrenaline" I said

"Ok, how's the detox going"

"It hasn't hit her very hard yet, but doc said her dad is on the way, so I'll be in to finish my paperwork as soon as he gets here"

"Alright I'll see you then"

The call disconnected

I looked over and Emma was staring at me

"You said I was high!" "How the hell do you know that?"

"They ran a blood test to try and figure out why you passed out."

She was now trying to hold back tears

"Honey, did you take them on pourpose or did he give them to you?" I asked

"I took them" she said looking down


"I don't know I was just tired, I thought maybe it would help, bit it didn't and now I can't stop taking them, and I don't know what to do" she said now in tears

I comforted her, and showed the options for rehab centers

We found one, she liked and that her insurance would cover, when I saw who I assumed was he dad thought the doors

She screamed when she saw him and started saying "no no no no please no can't I just go to rehab do I have to see him first"

She ran her hands through her hair while she was saying this and I noticed bruises on her arm

"Hey hey calm down, it's ok"

I got up and locked the door

Before I went and talked to her,

She hesitantly said that he was mean to her, eventually she came clean and quit trying to lie

I called Voight
"Sarge, get down here now"

"Hailey whats going on"

"I have to go, but just get down here quick, im gonna go arrest him, ill fill you in when you get here" I said before hanging up

I walked over towards her dad, where Natalie had told him to wait

As soon as he saw my badge he took off running

But being the idiot he was he tried to go out the front door, right as Voight was coming in

Voight grabbed him while I cuffed him and read him his rights, before putting him in the back of a patrol car, Voight had waiting out front

I explained everything to Voight, and we determined, that he was going to Statesville for the next 35 years, on charges of child abuse, and giving a child a reason to, and forcing her to buy drugs for him.

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