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"Adam" she said with fear and confusion in her voice "it is really you? Wheres Jay?"

"Yeah, Hailey its me, you're safe we've got you now" I said

She leaned forward reaching for a hug

I was just holding her, since she gripped onto my sweatshirt and she started crying, which was really weird to see and it made my heart ache that some one had done this to her

Suddenly she pulled back and sat up staring at me

"Jay? Where is he and why isnt he here" She asked desperately

"Hailey, I'm sorry Jay's not here right now"

"What do you mean like he's on his way right?" She asked tears in her eyes

"No, I'm sorry he's not, he reenlisted, he's in Bolivia right now, we are doing everything we can to get a hold if him, but he's not due back to base for a few more days"

"Oh" she said sadly

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a nurse to come check you out, I'll be right back"

---------------Haileys POV--------------
Ugh, my head hurts, well everything does really, all I know is I really want Jay, and I want to go home.

"Hailey, can you hear me? Hailey?" I opened my eyes and was snapped back into reality

"Hailey, do you think you can tell me what happened, we need to know so that we can help you" he said before moving to sit down on the chair next to my bed

All I could see was him slamming me to the ground and beating me it was so real, I was in the cold dark concrete room, with him and his friends laughing at me and him telling me "no one's going to believe you, a cop of all people was weak and stupid enough to get kidnapped, how pathetic" before spitting in my face
--------------end of haileys POV-----------

"Hailey! Hailey can you hear me?"
She was just staring at a wall not paying attention to anything

I gently shook her

She opened her eyes and looked around the room before looking down

"Yeah, sorry what did you need adam?" She asked still staring down

"The others are on their way now, you can tell me or I can get Kim and you can tell her what happened" I said but quickly added "it's no rush, whenever you feel ready" Seeing the look of panic on her face and how tight she was gripping the bed sheets

"Ok" she mumbled

"Hey, the teams here I'll be right back" I said seeing them standing outside her room

"Adam, how is she?" Voight asked

"She's awake and talking kind of but, she really wants Jay and is terrified of everything, trued to attack one of the male nurses that went in. she was talking ok to me, but then she kind of zoned out and ever since she seems like she's lost in a haze, where's the rest of the team?"

"They're on their way has she said what happened, or who did it I really want to put whoever did this away" Voight said

"No, I mentioned it and she looked absolutely horrified like she was about to cry which as you know is really weird for her, mabye try having Kim ask her?" I suggested

"Yeah, so she hasn't hinted what happened or anything? And the doctors what have they done?"

"No, she hasn't told me anything, but she's made it really clear she wants Jay, and she didn't take the news well. The nurse said she's got multiple broken and fractured ribs, a concussion, a fractured wrist and a few other hairline fractures, but what was weird is she said they found multiple spots that had been broken probably 15 years ago that didn't heal properly, and were never put on her record, but the nurses haven't really done anything else because up until now she wasn't awake to give consent"

"Ok, I'm gonna go check on her, you find the others" Voight said before walking into her room

------------Voights POV-------------------
When I walked in she jumped and shielded her face with tears running down her face

"Whoa whoa Hailey its ok calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you"

She sat up and tried to cover all of the bruises on her arms with the blanket

"How long has it been?" She asked

"3 years and 42 days"

She just nodded

"Adam said I could tell someone what happened when I was ready, I'd like to get it over with please" she said chewing on her lip

"Yeah of course, who do you want me to get"

"Alright I'll be right back"

I walked out of the room and went to go find Kevin since she wanted him

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