Heart to Heart

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Once I got Hailey back to my apartment, she went and got in the shower, and I went and sat down on the couch.

I waited impatiently for her to get out of the shower, I needed to know what happened like now. I was normally pretty patient but when it came to hailey being hurt, I was a complete mess. Once she got out, she went into her room and 5 minutes later she came out and sat next to me on the couch.

"Well where were we" she said laughing

"That was crazy huh she said"

I laughed, "yeah definitely crazy"

"I'm sure you've been wondering what happened, I'm sorry it's taken me so long, I was just so tired last night and then I popped a stitch as I was sitting down to tell you."

"That's OK hails"

"Well here goes nothing" she said

"My dad, he somehow found out where I lived, and one day he showed up at like 2 AM yelling at me about how, how I was an awful daughter and a useless person" she said starting to cry

"OH hails I'm sorry you know none of that is true"

"Then he started to hit me, punching kicking slapping whatever he wanted, at some point I would end up curled up on the ground or passed out, and the he he would" she said clearly struggling

"Pull my pants down, and well you know" she said before looking down trying to slow her crying

"Hailey, listen to me, you didn't deserve any of that, and he is an awful person for doing that."

I felt such sympathy for her, I couldn't believe he did that to her every day for months and she hid it that long, I instinctively reached over to try and comfort her, forgetting that it triggered her

She flinched and cried out "please dont" shielding her head with her arms

She then realized that it was Jay, he was now sitting on the other side of the couch

"I'm sorry Jay I I know you're not going to hurt me it's just habit I guess"

"Hailey, you have nothing to he sorry for, I scared you, and I'm sorry. But, its getting late, what do you want for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry, I just want to go to bed"

"Alright then", he said
But as they were walking to her room, he remembered the creme she needed to put on.

"Hails, did you already put on the creme that Maggie gave you?" He asked in a soft tone

"No, please don't make me" she whimpered

"Hails, I know you don't want to but it will help your stitches heal faster, and help prevent them from popping off."

"Fine" she said in defeat

"But you have to help me I can't do it alone"

"Ok, what do you want me to do, can you put it on if I hold your hand?"

"I'll try, but I don't know"

"Ok, lay down and I'll go get it" he said

Haileys POV

I really didn't want to put it on, it reminded me of what my dad would do, and it hurt, Its really sore, it was sore before the first round of stitches, now 2 times later it was really sore

I took of my pants, and underwear laying down, as he walked in, he was very polite and sensitive, he put some creme on my finger, and Massaged my shoulders, I tried but I just can't. "Jay I can't do it" I sobbed
"It's ok, Hailey you tried, do you want me to see if Nat can come over and help you?" He asked

I did, i really did but I didn't want to bother her

"Umm, would you be willing to please just this once, i know its weird but I'll figure something out for next time"

"Hailey, if that's what you need me to do, I will, just try and relax ok?"
"He began to put it on and it hurt but suddenly, I was back in my room from when I was 12 and my dad was there, he took off his belt and hit me with it, telling ar me the whole time before telling me that this was love, he then took off his pants, and (you know what happened) I screamed and cried, then I felt someone shaking me, and I could hear someone "Hailey Wake up open your eyes, it's OK your safe it's me Jay" I focused on the voice and then I was back in Jay's apartment with Jay and my dad was gone

Jay layed with me for a while, after I got dressed again, and after a bit, he asked me "Hailey what happened, did you have a flashback"

"Yeah" I said quietly

"I know it sounds scary but, talking about it can help, and I'm here ok"

"Um, it was when I was 12, I had just got home from an after-school club, and then cleaned up the garage, it was late, and when I went to bed, he came in and started yelling, then he took off his belt and hit me with it. That day was the first time he raped me. But definitely not the last, he told me it was love. She said crying
Until I turned 17, he did this almost every night, but it stopped until jsur recently when I got a job at the police station, I ran errands and just did little things for them.

"Wow, Hailey, I'm glad you were able to tell me, maybe now you will be able to sleep better.

"Jay, I have a question, how did you know telling someone would make that big of a difference?"

"You know i was in the army before I moved here right?" She nodded

"Well, I saw a lot of stuff, and it took me three years to get even close to being normal again, even now, sometimes random things will set me off, and I'll have a flashback."

"What do you do when thar happens?" I asked

"Well, until we became partners, I would normally just get really drunk and pass out, but thar never worked great, but one day you told me that I needed to either go to therapy or find a new partner."

"I remember that, you were so pissed" she laughed

"I was but it helped, and I still go sometimes."

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