3 years later

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----------------3 Years Later------------------
-----------------Kevin's POV----------------

It's been weird without Jay and Hailey. We tried out like 7 different detectives to fill their spots, and none of them fit, it was awful, the chief was getting frustrated that we kept turning them down, but there were some that were so scared, Kim got shot, because the new detective we were trying out, decided she was to scared and didn't covet Kim while clearing a house. Until about a year ago. Addilyn Murphy, she has chestnut brown hair, and honestly she just jumped right in, and got along great with everyone.
So, we have one empty spot, but it doesn't necessarily need to be filled unless we come across someone, that we feel like would be helpfull.

This morning Voight called us all in at about 4 am, which wasn't unusual, it just meant we caught a time sensitive case. When I got to the bullpen, I honestly thought I was seeing things. But that was most definitely Haileys face on the board.

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