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I'm not sure what I have wrote, regarding if they are married or not yet. But, just pretend they got married already

Voights POV
"What do you mean she's gone"

"She's not picking up the phone, and I can't find her, I've got a bad feeling about this sarge"

"Call the others tell them to get to the district asap, once you get there start tracking her phone and pod cams" I told Jay

I got dressed quickly, and grabbed my gun, and badge from the safe hidden in my bedframe, and got in the car

I really hope we find her, but I'm not sure if we will. Something has been off with her for this whole investigation

As I pulled up to the district, Kim was getting out of her car, and came running over to me

"What happened? Jay said haileys gone?!" She asked

"I'm not really sure, but I have a feeling Booth is involved with this"
I said

We walked in and everyone else was already there

"Jay, what happened why do you say she's gone?"

"I don't know what happened, she was in bed, but at some point she either left, or someone took her. I woke up at 3 and when I rolled over she wasn't there, she's not in the apartment and she's not answering her phone" he said

"He hey Guys, look what I got" Kevin said showing them a video of two people fighting, one with long blond hair, and eventually one gets hired into the car and they drive off

General POV
"Ok, that's something, run facial rec, see if it pops"

"It's to dark, and to far away, for facial rec, but I've got a partial plate Alpha, Echo, Charlie 7"

"Registered to a Jamie ingleson, reported stolen 8 hours ago"

"Damn it, Ruzek get a Bolo out, Atwater, Burgess get eyes on Booth" Voight said

"Halstead I want you thinking if she mentioned going anywhere doing anything, check social media"

22 Hours later
The team has been chasing every lead, and are getting frustrated, after working for 14 hours to find her and not being able to find anything

"Damn it! People dont just dissappear into thin air" Jay yelled slamming his fists on the table

Voight walked back into the bullpen

"What have you got?" He asked

""Nothing, other than the pod footage that looks like it's her being thrown into a car, absolutely nothing, we lose the car as it turns, down the road, no hits on the BOLO, nothing on social media, Booths in the wind, no one can find him" Kim said

"Ok, have you reached out to your CI's"

"Yeah, and they haven't heard nothing" Atwater replied

"Ok, its late, and sleep deprived detectives arent any good, Everyone head home, get some rest, and be back here tomorrow morning, I'll let you know if I hear anything" Voight said before going into his office

Voights POV
The others all left or so I thought, as I walked out to head home myself, I saw Jay still sitting at his desk pouring the pods

"Jay go home"

"I'm not going anywhere until she's home safe"

"Jay, we have worked every lead we have, weve been working for over 24 hours we're at a dead end all we can do is hope that by tomorrow morning something will have changed"

Jay ignored him

"I'm gonna count to 5 and if you aren't gone, you're off the case" I told him

Gosh, I didn't think I'd be using toddler level threats with full grown adults, but hey if it worked I'm not complaining

He finally left, and I decided I'd better call Will

"Hello? Who is this" will asked

"Seargent Voight, Jay's boss"

"Ok, may I ask why you're calling me?" He asked confused

"I don't know what Jay's told you, but Hailey was taken"

"Oh my God! When? What happened?"

"At about 2 am, on Wednesday, now the reason I called is, were at a dead end, there's nothing else we can do, so I sent everyone home to get a few hours of sleep, but Jay decided to be stubborn, He wouldn't leave, I finally got him to, but I'm afraid he's gonna fo something stupid, can you keep an eye on him for me?" I asked

"Yeah, of course, I'm not on shift till noon tomorrow, I'll call him, probably have him stay at my place"

"Ok, good"

"Thanks will" I said before hanging up as I walked out of the district

Wills POV
Wow I can't believe she got taken, there is no way Jay isn't going to try and do something stupid, I mean they just got married after all.

"Halstead" he answered when I called him

"Hey, Jay what are you up to?"

"Umm nothing" he said, although I could tell he was lying

"How about you come over? Just for a little while, Natalie's making your favorite Chicken Parm" I bribed him

"I guess"


I set the table, and shortly after Jay showed up

"Hey, man I heard about Hailey, I'm sorry if there's anything I can do to help, just say the word"

I decided it was probably best to not tell him that his boss asked me to babysit, unless absolutely necessary

We talked, and had a few drinks before heading to bed, Jay actually ended up so drunk he crashed on the couch.

End of Wills POV

What do you think Will should do to help Jay? Or do you think he should do anything? Let me know!

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