We Visit The Junkyard Of The Gods (Will)

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[We rode... saddle sores]

"That's gotta hurt," Leo said.

"No really? I thought it felt good," I told him.

[After its... on forever]

"Oh. You might want to avoid that area," Hephaestus told us.

"I wish we could have," I told him.

["Whoa,"... Zoe suggested]

"I forgot she said that," Thalia said, laughing.

"Yeah yeah," I said, rolling my eyes.

["Oh, shut... next challenge..."]

Grover, Thalia, and I flinched, but fortunately no one said anything.

[He pointed... Zoe said]

"Bob says hello," I heard Annabeth whisper and my heart twinged a little.

[She was... for thee?"]

"I'm trying to do better," I said.

"Me too," Annabeth said.

Half the room nodded in agreement, and Artemis smiled wide.

["For you,"... more coffee..."]

"And here's the start of Grover's coffee obsession," I said.

"Shut up," he said, shoving my shoulder lightly.

[I was... to her]

Most of the demigods winced in understanding.

["Never mind,"... know that?"]

"Oh, I bet you freaked her out," Leo said, laughing.

"I definitely did," I said with a laugh of my own.

["Oh, great,"... about F.D.R]

"Of course," Athena said.

I rolled my eyes, but otherwise ignored her.

["Bianca,"... so long?"]

"I don't think they could have, without one of us helping anyway," Athena said.

"But who?" Zeus demanded.

"Hmm, gee I wonder," Hermes said, glancing at Hades who was looking literally anywhere else.

["I told... of us]

Most of the gods looked to Aphrodite.

"What?" she asked.

"What are you doing there?" Hera asked.

"How do you know it's me?" Aphrodite asked.

"Who else would show up in a white limousine in the middle of nowhere?" Artemis asked rhetorically.

"OK, fine it was me," Aphrodite said, rolling her eyes, "I was taking matters into my own hands."

I withheld a groan as she said that. 'My friends are going to enjoy my misery'

[The back... with flames]

"Ares, you again?!" Zeus demanded.

"Hey, this time I was just accompanying my lady," Ares said 

"Sure," Hephaestus scoffed.

"I was," Ares growled

["Ares,"... few minutes]

"What did Aphrodite want with just you?" Annabeth whispered to me.

"You'll find out," I told her, knowing that the next couple minutes were going to be extremely embarrassing.

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