Break #4

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As we were leaving the throne room, I noticed Annabeth stop.

"Everything OK?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just think it's time I have a talk with my mother," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am," she told me determinedly.

"OK. Well, come find me when you're done," I told her.

"I will," she said, kissing my cheek, which I readily returned.

After that, I decided to walk around Olympus for a bit, until I was stopped.

"Percy," I heard a voice call out. I turned around and saw that it was Calypso.

"Oh, hey," I said awkwardly. 

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"Uh sure," I said, still feeling awkward. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I'm guessing since you went through that pit, you know about the curse I placed on Annabeth," she said.

"Yes I do," I responded, noticing she avoided saying the name, which I was grateful for.

"I want to apologize for that. I was feeling bitter that you chose her over me, but I'm over that now. I'm with Leo and I can tell that Annabeth makes you happy," she told me.

"I appreciate that, but you're going to have to tell Annabeth that," I told her, as Annabeth came over. 

"I felt my ears burning," Annabeth said.

"That could be because we were talking about you," I chuckled, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"I want to apologize for placing that curse on you. I was bitter because Percy chose you over me. I know it's no excuse and I'm sorry," Calypso said.

"Oh, um thank you," Annabeth said, surprised. Calypso nodded and walked away.

"That just happened," Annabeth said, turning to me.

"Yeah, but it was nice of her to say," I said.

"It was. Now, we have half an hour left. Shall we walk around a bit?" she asked.

"We shall," I agreed.

As we walked, we chatted some, and eventually we got to the topic of her talk with her mom.

"So how did your talk go?" I asked.

"Well, first I gave her a piece of my mind on her comment about Grover," she said.

"Good. That was uncalled for," I said.

"Agreed. Anyway, then in an attempt to feed into her rivalry with Poseidon, I told her that he has accepted our relationship. I'm hoping that will cause some sort of pettiness to bubble up inside her causing her to do the same," she told me.

"That's genius," I responded.

"Thank you," she said smirking. With that we continued walking a bit more until the hour was up, and then we made our way back to the throne room.

"Who wants to read next?" Hestia asked.

"I will," Will said. As he grabbed the book, I noticed he was sitting next to Nico again.

[I Battle My Jerk Relative]

"Hey Leo, Jason. You still have that bet?" I asked.

"Yeah why," they asked.

"Be prepared to pay up," I told them.

"Wait who?" Leo asked. I stayed silent, not wanting to give anything away.

A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm not great at the break chapters, but I wanted to give you something. I'm also currently sick, so it was hard coming up with ideas. I hope you enjoy the chapter though!! I'm looking forward to the next one though... I can't believe I'm almost done with Lightning Thief

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