I Get A New Cabin Mate (Tyson)

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[Ever come... furniture polish?]

My mom gave me a look and I grinned at her sheepishly.

"Love you mom," I said.

"Love you too," she said.

[That's kind....Olympian god]

"It was the atmosphere that changed," I heard Annabeth mutter.

[But there... happy camper]

"Nice pun," Leo snorted.

"Thanks," I told him

[As we... a couple]

"You did?" Nico asked me.

"Yeah, I did," I responded, ignoring the fact that Apollo was singing some song under his breath about dancing.

[None of... the toilets."]

Some chuckles rose from around the room, causing Tyson to blush and quickly continue reading.

["Whasthat!"... the cabin?"]

"Now I do, when Tyson's at camp," I said with a small smile.

"You know son, if you wanted to invite a few friends to spend the night, that would be OK. As long as everyone is responsible," my dad told me.

"Thanks, dad," I said with a huge smile.

["No. No, just.... of kelp]

 "I'd make you part of my court," my dad told me.

"I appreciate that, dad, but at this point, if I was on the brink of death, I'd rather just go to Elysium and be with my friends," I told him.

"That's understandable, but I hope that isn't for a long long while" he said.

"Me too, dad," I said.

[When we... total rapture]

"Betcha 5 drachma that Chiron didn't like being called a pony," Thalia muttered to Jason.

"No way. That's a sucker's bet, and I'm not a sucker," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, teasingly.

"Oh ha ha," he deadpanned.

[Chiron turned... the year!"]

"Why must adults always say that?" Leo complained.

"When you don't see a child, or teen, for a long time, it becomes hard to believe how much they've grown and you still picture them the way you last saw them," my mom explained.

[I swallowed... me angry]

"The feeling's mutual, Perry," Mr. D said.

["But this... the circumstances."]

"What circumstances?" Paul asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Ah... I was referring to my father," Chiron said.

"And who would that be?" my mom asked.

"My father is Kronos," he said after a moment.

"Wait, the council didn't trust you because your father is Kronos?" Rachel clarifed.


"That's ridiculous! Especially considering there are four children of Kronos on the council," Will pointed out, and most of the room nodded in agreement. 

"I agree, child, but let's continue reading," Hestia said, her voice calming.

["What circumstances?" I asked]

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