I Become A Known Fugitive (Luke)

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[I'd love... my vision]

"How long do you think you were falling?" Rachel asked.

"Well, it felt like a good 30 minutes but, in reality, it was probably only a few seconds," I told her.

[And then... around me]

"That must've been a pretty big fish then," Thalia said, hoping to distract from how dirty the Mississippi River is. It only partially worked.

 "Yeah it was," I chuckled lightly.

[At that... the Mississippi]

"Woah. Hey, Percy?" Leo said, getting my attention.


"What do you think would happen if, while I was underwater, you had a hold of me and I tried flaming up?" Leo wondered.

"I imagine something like this... Maybe we can try it during a break," I said now equally as curious. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see our respective girlfriends face palm at our thought process. Although, Annabeth looked mildly intrigued.

[I grabbed... breathing normally]

"How is that something you notice last?" Athena scoffed.

"A couple reasons. First, I was still running on adrenaline. Second, I have ADHD, so I wasn't paying attention to something I do everyday. Plus breathing is controlled by your autonomic nervous system, so why would I need to think about it?" I countered.

"You knew that?" Annabeth asked me, pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah... I actually kind of like science," I admitted. She smiled and hugged me tight. Athena glared at me once more, but it had softened just a touch more.

[I stood... Father."]

"You're welcome, son," my dad told me, smiling. I smiled back, widely.

[No response... bottom feeders]

Most of the people in the room turned to me, with worried looks, but I avoided their gaze. After a few minutes, Luke fortunately continued reading. I knew I would be questioned during the break though.

[Fump-fump-fump... like mine]

"Why did you send that one, Uncle P," Apollo asked.

"Well aside from the fact that she's the wisest Nereid, I was hoping to provide a bit of comfort. I'm guessing it had the opposite effect," my dad explained, sheepishly.

"It did, but I appreciate the effort," I told him.

[A lump... the gifts...]

"What gifts?" Travis asked.

"You'll find out," I told him, discreetly glaring at Ares.

[Her voice... to drowning]

More worried looks, but the most surprising was actually from Mr. D. He was looking right at me, with hidden concern. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"Percy...?" Annabeth started, worried.

"Can... can we talk about this during the break?" I asked, knowing I couldn't hide from her forever, but not wanting to discuss it in front of everyone. She nodded in understanding.

[Your father... dark water]

"You don't need to thank me. You are my son, you don't need to prove you're worthy to me," my dad told me.

"Thanks dad. You have no idea how much that means," I responded genuinely. I could tell the other demigods were trying to hide their jealousy though.

[Then I... Year's Eve]

"That's a big crowd," Piper said.

"Yeah. But it is a national landmark, so it makes sense," I told her.

[A little... nice, dear."]

"How rude," Hera said.

"Most adults don't listen to kids, especially kids that young," I said, rolling my eyes. 'The gods are no exception either'

[A news... were okay]

"Why am I not surprised you were worried about everyone?" Annabeth asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me," I told her.

"I know. That's why I love you," she told me. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit at that.

[I tried... hard way!"]

"More like the easy way," Hades said.

"Yeah. The way you're going is a lot trickier. Heck, there's a more direct entrance that bypasses Charon all together," Nico stated.

"That's fair, but we didn't know about that secret tunnel," I told him.

[Annabeth stood... of fell."]

"Sort of?" Hestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't know what else to say," I told her.

"That's fair, actually," Thalia said.

["Percy!... the boy!"]

"Oh, great. More issues for you," Thalia said.

"Yeah, it made the quest more difficult, but the way we play it off is worth it," I responded.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked.

"That, would be spoilers I'm afraid, and this is way too good to spoil," I said smirking. Annabeth and Grover had to hide their laughter and my mom's eyes widened in realization.

[I turned... your dad."]

"I mean, I could," I said slyly.

"Only if you want me to come looking for you," my dad said.

[Before Annabeth... Percy Jackson."]

"That's really not good," Nico said.

"I know, but just wait," I told him.

[We ducked... behind us]

"That's the end of the chapter," Luke announced.

"Great! Break time," Annabeth declared, getting up.

'Oh no' I thought, knowing what was coming.

A/N: Here's the next chapter!!! I know it's kind of short, but the chapter is rather short as it is. The next one is a break, so that might be long or short, it all just depends. I can't promise when it'll be out, because the breaks are a lot trickier to come up with. In the mean time though, I challenge you to go through the previous chapters and find my little references. Oh, side note: I can't believe how far this has come! There are only 8 reading chapters left!!! With that, for the following books, should I put them in this book or do separate books for each one? Let me know your thoughts!! 

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