Tyson Plays With Fire (Connor)

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[Mythologically speaking... gym clothes]

"Oh you must've been a sight to see," Leo said laughing.

"I bet we were," I responded with a chuckle of my own, recalling the mental image.

["Oh, man,"... it anyway]

"What?!?" those that weren't there that summer exclaimed.

"How is that possible?" Jason demanded.

"You'll see at the end of this chapter," I told him with a sigh.

[One of... my guts]

"That was an understatement, Jackson," Clarisse told me.

"I know. But we're cool now, right?" I asked.

"For now," she responded.

[Still, she... more chances."]

"Son, I understand you're desire to protect him, but Tyson can protect you," my dad told me.

"I know now, dad. At the time, I thought he was mortal and I didn't want to risk it," I told him.

["No!"... Medea's what?"]

"Hate her," Jason, Leo, and Piper muttered to each other.

"When did you meet her?" Aphrodite asked out of concern.

"It'll come up," Piper sighed.

[Annabeth rummaged... going in."]

"You really don't have any self preservation skills, do you?" Reyna asked me.

"I do too!" I exclaimed in protest.

"You just don't use them," Thalia told me.

"I do when it's needed," I said. No one said anything to that.

[Tyson tried... Clarisse's line]

"Oh, were they alright?" Hestia asked, concerned.

"Yeah. It wasn't anything too much worse than the climbing wall," Clarisse said.

[I was... her warriors]

Ares got a proud look in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

[Whatever else... Look out!"]

"Why would you do that, punk?" Ares demanded.

"I wanted to warn her. It was dumb, I know," I told him.

"You can say that again," Athena muttered. She went ignored.

[I shouldn't... frozen burrito]

"Your thoughts are so weird," Hazel told me.

"I know and, once again, I blame the ADHD," I replied.

["Let me... past us]

Most of the Camp Half-Blood people got a worried look on their faces, even those that were there that summer.

[Annabeth shouted... things personal]

"Most likely," Hephaestus muttered.

[I couldn't... maybe broken]

I saw my parents get a worried look, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

[Bull Number... needs help!"]

"Yeah Tyson!!!" most of the room cheered, causing Tyson to blush deeply.

[Before I... "BAD COW!"]

Some fond chuckles at Tyson's innocence rose from around the room, causing him to blush even more.

[His fists... Tyson yelled]

"Arf" Leo said.

"Aw, good boy. Do you want a treat?" I asked him, teasingly. 

[The bull... singed off]

"Again?" My mom cried.

"Yeah," I told her sheepishly.

["The other... merry-go-round animal]

Chuckles arose at that mental image, but no one said anything.

[Clarisse pulled... me again!"]

"Of course you didn't listen," She muttered.

"Would you rather have married a cyclops?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait, what?" Chris asked.

"It's nothing," Clarisse said, shooting me a glare.

["Clarisse," Annabeth... would've died."]

"Thank you, Annabeth," my mom said, with my dad and Paul voicing their agreement.

"You don't need to thank me, Sally. I couldn't just let one of my best friends die," Annabeth said.

"Oh, 'best friend' am I?" I teased.

"Maybe," she teased back.

["Let him... his eyes]

"Eyes?" my dad asked, raising an eyebrow and holding back a chuckle.

"In my defense, I wasn't expecting my one friend from that school to be a cyclops," I told him. 

[No, not... homeless orphans."] 

"That's horrible," Hazel said.

"It teaches young cyclopes to appreciate blessings," Tyson said, shaking his head.

["One of... to do."]

"I wish it was Chiron to decide," I grumbled.

["But the... Tyson was?]

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You were still new to this world," Annabeth told me.

"I guess," I said.

"Hey, think of it this way, if you had seen Tyson for what he truly is, you never would've gotten close to him, since you'd have been, at best, on edge around him. Right?" Annabeth said.

"That's true. I was on edge after leaving camp after that first summer, and knowing a cyclops was in my school probably wouldn't have ended well," I said.

[But I... what's happened."]

"Wait, what?" my dad demanded.

"Chiron got blamed for something and so Tantalus was brought in to be the activities director," I explained.

"Wait, who's Tantalus again?" Paul asked.

"You'll see," I told him, not wanting to open up that wound.

["Tantalus?"... Thalia's tree]

"Wait, what about it?" Jason asked, worried for his sister coloring his voice.

[Every camper... and healthy]

"Yes, we know this," Jason said, growing even more tense.

[But now... poisoned it]

"WHAT?!?" Jason yelled.

"I think we should take a quick break," Thalia said, before getting up and pulling Jason out of the throne room.

"Very well. We'll meet back here in an hour," Hestia said.

With that, we all got up and went our different ways.

A/N: Here is the next chapter! I apologize for how long it's been. I've been so busy with work, and I'm trying to find a different job, and I just haven't had any motivation. But here it is. It is a rather short one, but hopefully you guys enjoy!!

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