Everybody Hates Me But The Horse (Travis)

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"How do we do this?" Thalia asked after a few moments of slightly uncomfortable silence.

I sighed. "I don't know, but we do need to talk about that disastrous Capture The Flag game. Without letting our tempers get the better of us. Hestia was right when she said we're too much like our fathers in that regard."

"Yeah, yeah she was," Thalia said with a slight chuckle. "How about you explain your side first?"

"Well, like I said, I saw an opportunity and I took it. The Hunt had appeared to be spread too thin, so I thought I could be there and back no problem. You were right when you said I underestimated them. I had no idea what tricks they'd have up their sleeves."

She nodded, "It makes sense, but I did have a plan. You coming in completely undermined it."

"I do apologize for that, but at the same time, I had no way of knowing you had a plan, let alone what it was. We agreed to be co-captains, but I had no say in strategy." 

She sighed. "You're right. I should have told you my plan and I'm sorry. I guess we weren't very good co-captains."

I let out a small chuckle, "No, no we were not."

"Are we good?" she asked.

"Yeah, we're good."

"This book is going to be one heck of a roller coaster of emotions, isn't it?"

"This one and the next few ones, most likely."

"Should we head back in?"

"Most likely."

"Oh, also I'm sorry I called you Seaweed Brain."

"It's OK. You couldn't have known that it was an Annabeth only nickname. I didn't even realize it until then."

"Clarisse is right, you were totally in denial."

"I was not!"


[Everybody Hates Me But The Horse]

"No one hated you, Perce. Well, except maybe Zoe," Grover told me.

"Thanks, Grover," I told him.

[The least... was gross."]

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Rachel told Grover.

"That was the point. I was trying to cheer up Percy," Grover said.

"Thanks, G-man. It didn't exactly work, but thanks for trying anyway," I told him.

"Of course. You'd do the same for any of us."

[I knew... Of course."]

"Sorry, Annabeth, if that made it seem like I wasn't worried about you" Grover said.

"Not at all. It seems like you had other things on your mind, I'm not offended or anything," she said.

["Why?"... feel it."]

Grover dropped his head slightly, so I started rubbing his back in comfort.

[I wanted... that either]

"That's your war council?" Reyna asked, shock coloring her voice.

"Yeah, pretty much," I told her.

"Wait, what do the Romans do?" Clarisse asked.

"A Senate meeting. Same concept, but there's no way it'd be anything so casual," she said.

[Mr. D... leave immediately."]

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