I Make A Dangerous Promise (Ares)

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[Blackjack gave... them to]

"I'm honestly a little jealous. I wish my clothes were fireproof," Leo said.

"I thought they were," I said.

"Well, Calypso made me a fireproof t-shirt and jeans, but other than that, nope," he said. "I have to be really careful not to burn my clothes off."

"Dang, that sucks," I told him.

"You're telling me."

[I shot... everything was]

"It sounds like it's similar to using an infrared camera," Hephaestus said.

I was silent for a moment while I considered this, then shrugged and said, "I guess it is."

[As I... animals die]

"That's horrible," Piper said.

"It is," I said. "Sadly, too many people just don't care."

[Apparently this... "Mooooooo!"]

"What?" Frank asked.

"That's Bessie," I told him.

"Bessie? Who's Bessie?" he asked.

"You'll see," I said with a sigh.

[I got... I've heard."]

"And this Bessie was one of the things stirring?"  Hazel asked.

"Yeah," I told her.

"But what is she?" Reyna asked.

"He's the Ophiotaurus," I said with a sigh, "He is not dangerous though," I added with a pointed glare at Zeus, daring him to say otherwise.

"Wait... Bessie is a boy??" Leo asked.

"In my defense, I thought he was female until the end of this quest," I told him.

[I uncapped... Vegetarianism."]

"Where's Grover when you need him?" Rachel asked.

"Getting ready for a treacherous quest," Grover said dryly.

[I doubted... and moaned]

"That must have taken a lot of patience," Leo said.

"Yeah, it did, but I'd do it again," I said.

"You have a good heart, son," Dad told me.

"Thanks, Dad."

["It's okay... didn't you?]

"No good deed goes unpunished," Nico said.

"That's the truth," I scoffed.

[I couldn't... that column."]

"Eavesdropping again, cuz?" Hermes asked me.

"I was concerned about what Nico had planned," I defended.

[I almost... with it."]

"I am deeply disappointed in you two," Hestia told Travis and Connor.

"I assure you, Lady Hestia, they have already been dealt their punishments" Chiron said.

"It was worth it though," Travis muttered to Connor.

["That's terrible!"... without rain."]

"I wish it were so, my dear Zoe," Artemis said sadly.

"Me too," Nico grumbled.

["But-"... "Wait."]

"You're really good at giving people heart attacks, did you know that?" Nico asked me.

"Sorry, Nico," I told him sheepishly.

[He almost... will die."]

"He has a point, Nico," Mom said.

"I know, I realized that then," he said.

[His shoulders... sister safe"] *

"Nico..." Will started.

"I know. It was dumb to make him promise that," Nico said, cutting him off.

"Not dumb per se, but naive. You were, rightfully, a worried little brother," Will told him. "However, that's a big thing to ask of someone."

"I know," Nico said sadly. "I'm sorry, Percy."

"It's OK, Nico," I told him. "Just know that I really did try my best."

"I've come to realize that," Nico told me.

["Get going... Let's fly."]

"Talk about perfect timing," Leo said

"As usual," I said with a smile, thinking of all the times Blackjack has shown up right when I need him.

"That's the end of the chapter, by the way," Ares said, tossing the book down.

"Who wants to go next?" Hestia asked.

"I'll go," I decided, grabbing the book.

[I Learn How To Grow Zombies]

"What?" Paul asked.

"You'll see," I told him.

A/N: Here's the next chapter! I got it done sooner than I expected, but being sick and having a three day weekend might have something to do with that haha. If anyone has read Chalice of the Gods yet, let me know your thoughts in the comments. I really enjoyed it, and got it done in like 2 days. Enjoy reading!

*If you're reading along, which I still recommend, and you notice it's a little different, it's because in my copy, there's a small typo and it says 'He shoulders sagged'. Obviously that doesn't make sense, so I fixed it here. It's minuscule, but I wanted to cover my bases

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