I Battle My Jerk Relative (Will)

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[A Coast... more people]

Hestia gave Hades a look.

"See what happens when you let your anger get the best of you?" she asked him.

"Yeah. I know," Hades said, and I could tell he had to suppress an eye roll. 

[Our clothes... had hooves]

"Wouldn't the mist cover that up?" Paul asked.

"Possibly, but we didn't want to take any chances," I told him.

[After reaching... of Athena."]

Athena glared intensely at me while Ares hid a smirk. Both went ignored.

["Hey,"... little kid]

"Baby," Ares said. He got soaked for that one, courtesy of me and my dad.

["The prophecy... that bad?"]

"Gee, I wonder," Chris muttered as many heads turned to look at Ares.

[I stopped... to die."]

"What?" my dad said, maintaining a calm composure while turning to Ares.

"Just what I said," Ares said with a shrug.

Before my dad could do anything, my mom spoke up, "You wanted my son to get killed, just for a lousy war?" 

"Duh," Ares said. My mom made a move to get up, but Paul got there first. He punched Ares squarely in the face, causing everyone to be shocked.

"Stay away from my son," Paul said, before realizing what he said. "Oh, um, Lord Poseidon..."

"It's alright, I'm honored to share the title of dad with a mortal like you. You've certainly earned it," my dad said, raising a hand. "Also, nice right hook."

"Thanks," Paul said relaxing.

["You tricked... winter solstice."]

"Really Prissy?" Clarisse growled out.

"In my defense, no one would have guessed who the actual culprit was," I said, raising my hands. Clarisse still glared at me slightly, but she did say anything.

[The idea... war helmet]

Hades turned to glare at Ares a bit.

[The helm... always say."]

"You're sick" Jason said, and everyone nodded in agreement, sans Ares.

["You gave... about weapons]

"Duh," Ares said again. He went ignored.

["Anyway,"... to Hades?"]

"Ares is definitely different from Mars," I heard Frank whisper to Hazel, who nodded in agreement.

[Ares got.. with Annabeth]

"You caught on, didn't you?" Luke asked, quietly.

"Well, kind of. I didn't know who was ordering him quite yet," I told him.

[Ares's face... you around."]

 "You're really good at piecing together information. You must eat a lot of cereal" Demeter told me.

"Thank you, Lady Demeter," I told her, ignoring the cereal comment.

[I am... Nothing personal."]

"Oh sure it's nothing personal," my dad grumbled.

[He snapped... "Scared?"]

"You wish," Ares said.

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