The Chariot Race End With A Bang (Sally)

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[We arrived... Half-Blood Hill]

"Were you alright D?" Apollo asked. "You're always in the mood for a celebration."

"Did you consider I might've been affected by the tree dying as much as everyone else?" Mr. D snapped. "Whether I like it or not, I am in charge of your offspring."

[The camp... to green]

Most of the demigods took a deep breath and sighed as the camp slowly but surely returned to normal.

[Everybody cheered... for once]

"I agree," Annabeth said. "I was always desperate to get out into the real world, but after the summer before this it was nice to just be a normal camper."

[Later that... be home."]

I caught Clarisse's eye and gave a small smile which she subtly returned. We may still butt heads from time to time, but we've reached a sort of agreement.

[The next... special modifications]

The demigods that have participated in the chariot races groaned while Annabeth and I shared matching smirks.

"Still not fair," Travis said and Connor nodded in agreement.

[We spent... his shoulder]

"Dad? What are you doing?" Chris asked.

"This time, I actually do have a delivery for Percy," Hermes said with a slight chuckle.

["Hermes?"... diplomatic approach."]

"More like aggressive negotiations," Will said.

"What are you talking about??" Rachel demanded.

"You know, like in Attack of the Clones," Will told her.

"No, I don't," she said.

"It's another Star Wars reference," Nico sighed.

["I'm really... or something]

Dad sighed, "I wish I could've had you visit before or told you about Tyson."

"It's alright dad. I understand," I told him.

"If you'd like, I'd love to have you come visit now. After the readings of course," Dad offered.

"I'd like that," I said with a smile.

[The more... to him."]

"That's certainly one way to put it," Paul said, raising an eyebrow.

["I tried... this summer?]

"So many times, and the count has only gone up," I said.

"Yes, and I couldn't be more grateful," Mom said.

"What does grateful mean?" Tyson asked.

"It means that I thank you for saving my son," she explained.

"Oh... You're welcome!!" Tyson said.

[In the... second grade]

"You mean like the three fingers one?" Leo asked, pulling a pencil out of his toolbelt and forming the position.

"Yes!!! I hated it so much!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh, same!" Leo said, and most of the other demigods nodded in agreement.

[Did you... ocean wave]

"Lucky," Thalia muttered.

I shrugged, knowing that what I got is more than most gods do for their children.

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