We Visit The Garden Gnome Emporium (Poseidon)

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[In a... our noses]

Everyone looked slightly upset at the thought of so much pollution, but those whose realms were impacted the most looked even more so upset.

[Grover was... the better."]

"Good. You need to keep moving," Athena said.

"Thanks," Annabeth told her.

["All our... been fine."]

Most people turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

"OK, I wouldn't have been fine. It was my hubris talking," Annabeth said.

"Like the stuff for sandwiches?" Connor asked.

"No. Hubris means pride," I said, while Annabeth burst out laughing, causing confused looks.

[Sliced like... team, right?"]

"Always," I whispered to Annabeth.

"Too good of a team," most of the other demigods muttered, causing me and Annabeth to smirk.

[She was... her voice]

"Of course you picked up on that," Annabeth muttered.

"Sorry," I muttered back.

["You're pretty... my head]

Everyone started laughing at that, but I didn't mind. Some were malicious though, however, I just ignored those.

[Add to... double cheeseburger]

Thalia and Nico started drooling at that thought.

"Hey guys, how about some cousin bonding time during the next break," I suggested to them.

"Sounds good," they agreed.

"You two are welcome to join as well," I told Jason and Hazel, to which they smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see our parents smiling proudly at the idea that we all could get along.

[We kept... Gomen Meprouim]

"What?" most people asked, highly confused.

"That's what it says," my dad said.

["What the... Gnome Emporium."]

I saw Hades' eyes widened in recognition.

[Flanking the... is weird."]

"We really should have listened to him," I whispered to Annabeth.

"I don't think we could've. Not with the enchantment," she whispered back.

[We ignored...at me."]

"That's not good," Athena said catching on, with a few others realizing as well.

[Then the... beautiful lady]

"Really Perce?" Grover whispered to me.

"In my defense, I didn't know who it was," I whispered back.

[Her accent... I smell?"]

"Subtle," Thalia quipped.

"Hey, I was hungry and in a trance," I defended.

["Oh, my... of kelp."]

"Hey, that's my line!!" Thalia said.

"I know!" Annabeth said, chuckling.

[The warehouse... behind us]

"Wait, really? I didn't notice," Annabeth said.

"Huh... weird," I said.

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