I Play Pinochle with a Horse (Hermes)

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[I had.... the spoon]

There were many different reactions, but no one voiced anything.

[When she.... with pudding]

"That's certainly one way to tell him to stop talking," Thalia teased.

"Oh ha ha," I said sarcastically.

[The next.... his hands]

The Greeks smiled at the mention of Argus, while the Romans, my mom and Paul were confused.

"Who's that?" Paul asked. While he has been learning more about Greek mythology, it's hard remembering who's who.

"That's Argus," Annabeth said, "he's our head of security."

[When I... teeth hurt]

People winced in sympathy pains.

[On the... goat boy]

Snickers could be heard from various people, causing Grover to blush in embarrassment. 

[So maybe... a nightmare]

"I wish that's what the Minotaur was," I muttered.

["The Minotaur,"..... look beautiful]

Those who cared looked sad.

["I'm sorry,".... the world."]

"No you're not!!" Thalia, Annabeth, Nico, and I exclaimed in unison.

"Debatable," Zeus said.

"Father. It was my choice. Grover is not and was never to blame," Thalia said forcefully.

[He moaned.... yellow light]

I hid my expression, but I could feel myself about to cry. As if sensing my emotions, Annabeth gave me a small peck on the cheek. That made me smile. If there was anything good about entering this world, it's meeting all my friends, but especially Annabeth.

[I was.... be hit]

"I was," Grover whispered.

"By who?" I asked clenching my teeth, with all of the other people protective of Grover growled.

Grover just shrugged.

[I said..... be okay]

Most everyone smiled at the comfort that description brought, even though they had never actually experienced it. I looked at the snacks that Hestia made appear and saw that there were still some of my mom's cookies. Smiling, I took a couple before passing the plate around, so everyone could taste them.

[Before I... Homemade."]

"They really are amazing Sally," my dad said.

"Thanks," she replied. I'm glad that even though they aren't together anymore, they could still be friends.

[He sighed... it go]

People nodded, understanding why I didn't want to let it go.

[As we... had wings]

"That sounds amazing," Paul said awestruck. My mom nodded in agreement.

"It really is," I said fondly, thinking of my second home.

[Down at.... my stepfather]

"Obviously, Pedro," Mr. D scoffed.

["That's.... I cried]

"Grover just told you his name," Nico said.

"Yeah, well, I spent 9 months knowing him by a different name," I defended. Nico went to say something, but conceded after realizing I had a point.

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