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Though at first you visited the Todoroki house often, gradually, you felt less and less needed. Daily visits turned into weekly visits. Then monthly, and then soon not at all.

It was hard coming to terms with that, but that's how life is. Sometimes you'll grow apart from the people you cherish, and the only thing you can do is to keep those memories safe.

You saw Touya semi-often though, seeing as he was friends with your oldest son.

Oh yeah, you adopted Keigo.

At some point, you had done enough favors and gotten enough blackmail to convince the government that while still providing his mother with income, you should be the one to have custody of him. They wouldn't even have to pay you anything!

Though reluctant, they figured that creating a heartwarming cover story would be a nice marketing strategy for future use, so they allowed it.

He was already fifteen, but you still tended to baby him, almost as if to make up for lost time.

He still missed his mother and wanted the best for her, even if she wasn't the best, but he had to admit, you were a massive upgrade to his old life.

A nice warm bed, nice clothes, and three square meals every day.

Plus he got all the hugs he ever wanted!

Though Tenko was a little bit jealous that Keigo was receiving so much attention, he seemed to get along with Keigo. That didn't mean they were the closest siblings in the world though, which was understandable.

Many years had passed. Keigo became a pro-hero, and Tenko became a league of legends streamer. You weren't too much of a fan of that, but when taking into consideration his quirk, it might've been for the best.

"Tenko, it's a nice day, why don't you go outside for a little bit?"

You heard him shout from his room,
"I'm in a game!"

"Can't you just pause it?"
You asked.

You could hear him groan,
"It's online, you can't pause it,"

You sighed, thinking of various ways to get your son to touch grass. Though he was an adult, he still lived with you and Toshinori, which you were very happy about.

But damn you still wished he went out more.


"Dad, you sure don't just want to walk their?"
Your flying son asked.

Currently you and Keigo were up in the air flying to the mall.

"No it's alright Keigo, I don't want to keep you grounded,"
You replied while taking heavy breaths.

It was hard to breathe so up high in the air, and making wings to help you fly also took a lot more effort than you though. But damn they looked good on you!

Though he'd be fine with just walking, Keigo appreciated that you made the extra effort to keep him company in the air. You made sure he knew how much you appreciated him, and always told him how lucky you were to have such nice children like him and Tenko. But he was the one who felt the luckiest.

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now