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Originally this fic was only supposed to be like 15 chapters long but here we are also this is a long chapter

"Come on Tenko, my boy! Say 'dad'!"

You chopped the top of Toshinori's head,
"Don't treat him like he's an infant,"

You changed to a softer tone as you looked at the child,
"Tenko, you can call him 'dad' whenever you want, don't feel pressured to do so,"

The boy hesitated for a moment before saying anything. There was a light dusting of pink on his face, was he embarrassed?

"Can... can I call both of you dad?"

Both of you were stunned.

Toshinori looked back at you,
"You know I was thinking about us having joint custody of him. Having two parents would make it easier to adopt,"

You sighed,
"I guess you're right. But I still have the-"

"I can still take care of him myself, it's mainly just to smoothen the process,"

You thought about it for a moment. The Todoroki children wouldn't be children forever, and by the time Shoto got to middle school, they probably wouldn't have a need for you.

"Okay then. Tenko, are you alright with this?"

The boy was very excited at the thought of having two parents,
"You'll both be my dads?! Really?!"

You pat his head,
"Yup! Though we'll be your dads separately. I don't really like Toshinori that way, I think I'd rather stay single,"

The boy was happy none the less. It didn't matter if his two parents were together or anything, he was just excited to have a life where both parents were nice to him!

He did some grabby hands at you for you to pick him up, and as you did so, the boy planted a kiss on your cheek. He'd seen other kids doing that with their parents, and now that you said you'd be his dad, he wanted to do it to you too!

"Aww, you're such a sweet boy!"

You peppered his face with kisses, each one tickling him more than the last until he was a mess of giggles.

What Toshinori was witnessing almost made him forget about the fact that you'd only known this boy for about a week. How in the hell did you get that close with Tenko already?

And how come you scolded him for treating Tenko like an infant when you were literally doing just that!?

"That's because I'm a hypocrite!"

Toshinori looked away nervously,
"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Yup! But you're forgiven. Now hold still,"

The tall man did as instructed, watching you hold out Tenko. The boy came closer and closer to the pro hero until he was close enough to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He immediately snatched the boy from your arms, holding him up in the air.
"Tenko, my boy!"

The little boy continued with his giggling, he was practically overloaded with all the affection he was receiving.

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now