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If you haven't already, make sure to participate in the poll at the end of last chapter! Your voice matters in a healthy democracy. Also quick refresher (f/n) = first name

"You really sure you wanna take in that cat, Nemuri? You already have so many!"

She picked up the little stray kitten, who seemed very confused about what was happening.
"You can never have too many cats!"

She held the kitten up to you,
"And just look at how cute she is!"

It was indeed a cute cat.

"And besides, you're not the only one who gets to adopt cute things!"

You choked on your own saliva,
"Wh-what're you talking about?!"

She rolled her eyes,
"C'mon. I heard the kids call you 'dad' while I was waiting outside the door. And there's that kid you just so happen to share joint custody for with the number one hero,"

"Shhh! Don't say that so loudly, someone might hear!"

All she did was laugh as she held the kitten in her arms.
"You really haven't changed, have you?"

You looked away,
"I have no idea what you're talking about,"

She shook her head with a soft smile and you both continued to hang out.

You see, the reason you were out and about with your pro hero friend Midnight wasn't just to find an abandoned kitty. No, the real reason was much deeper.


"Hey dad, how come you don't have any friends?"


"I- what ever are you talking about, Natsuo?"

He jumped up onto your lap to watch whatever was playing on TV before continuing to explain.
"Well I never see you talking to any other adults except my dad and that one time,"

Then he delivered the finished blow,
"Even Shoto has friends, and he barely talks! Are you lonely?"

~end of flashback~


Well, you used to. That was until you took this nanny job. You signed up to take care of three rich kids, not six traumatized children!

Still, you wouldn't change how things played out. If you were able to make their lives even the slightest bit better, it would be worth it.


Your friend shook you out of your thoughts.

"I should get going, I have to pick Shoto up from school,"

She quirked a brow,
"Just him?"

"Natsuo's going to his friend's house after school today,"

She thought for a moment before making a proposition,
"How about I tag along with you then?"

"You sure? It won't really be too interesting,"

"It's fine. Besides, little kids are hilarious, and I could use a laugh right now,"

"Shoto~! I'm here!"

The tiny boy ran over to you, jumping into your arms. It was always a treat whenever you were there to take him home, though that wasn't to say he didn't enjoy walking home with his big brother.

"Did my little boy have fun at school today?"

He nodded earnestly,
"Mhm! We learned about metamor... metamorph..."


His eyes lit up at the word,
"Yeah! Our teachers brought caterpillars, and they're gonna turn into butterflies!"

"That sounds very exciting,"

Carrying Shoto close to your chest, you brought him outside of the school, meeting up with your friend. He gave her a confused look, and so you decided to introduce them to each other.

"Shoto, this is my friend, Nemuri. Can you say hi to her?"

He waved shyly at the dark haired woman, causing her heart to wrench. How could children be so cute?!

Then his eyes lit up as he saw what she was carrying.

"A kitty!"

Nemuri held the feline up to the little boy,
"Yup! You wanna pet him?"

Shoto looked to you for permission which you obviously granted. There was a twinkle in his eyes as his hand went over the soft fur of the kitten, and for a moment, he felt all of his worries disappear.

Then he realized something,
"You're Midnight!"

Her posture changed into one of pride,
"That's right! The one and only,"

Normally as a pro hero, she'd be swarmed with paparazzi, or at least have a fan or two ask for an autograph. But because of the stark difference between her hero outfit and her casual outfit, she was able to go under the radar.

"Wow, isn't Auntie Nemuri so cool Shoto?"

He nodded, and you could see what you said struck a nerve in her.


She tried to do some damage control,
"Hey Shoto, how about instead of Auntie you call me big sis? Hmm? Doesn't that sound better?"

The little boy shook his head,
"I already have a big sister!"

Nemuri grimaced while you attempted to hold back your laughter. She glared and pointed accusatorially at you while not so whispering,

She was very fun to tease.

"Okay Shoto, say bye to Auntie Nemuri!"

He waved with his little arms,
"Bye Auntie!"

Even though he was unintentionally insulting her, he was just too cute to feel mad!

"Bye bye Shoto! Come around sometime and you can play with my cats. How does that sound?"

He smiled excitedly,

That night Shoto went to sleep dreaming of having a cat of his own. Maybe if he asked nicely, you'd get him one! (NOT GONNA HAPPEN LITTLE MAN).


Scaramouche is winning the poll by 11 votes right now but since so many of y'all voted for denji I might do him too

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя