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As Touya walked through the halls of the house, he found that he'd come face to face with an unfamiliar wall. He tried to turn around, but there was another wall.

He was boxed in.

"You and I are gonna have a little chat young man,"

The teenager rolled his eyes,
"What's there to talk about? Just let me out of here already,"

You shook your head,
"We are getting to the bottom of this whether you like it or not,"

A chair appeared behind him and he sat down with a huff.

You began.

"Why are you angry at me? What did I do wrong?"

Not so sure of the answer himself, Touya didn't answer.

You leaned forward,
"Touya, the sooner you tell me the faster I'll be able to make it up to you. I want to be able to apologize, but I can't really do that if I don't know what I did,"

"I- you..."

He couldn't find the words to say. Here you were, earnestly trying to fix the problem, all the while he was just silently seething in misplaced anger.

"Please Touya, I need to know why you're mad at me. I care about you, Touya, and it hurts when you ignore me,"

He didn't like any of this at all. He knew he was being rude to you, but he never really imagined how it'd affect you.

"I'm... I'm not mad at you,"

You blinked in confusion,

He brought his eyes up to yours,
"I said I'm not mad at you,"

You leaned forward with a concerned look which made him regret ever being rude to you,
"Then what are you mad at?"

"I don't know! I want to be mad at you, but none of this is your fault! It's all my dad's stupid fault for being to busy for us! Too busy for me!"

His eyes started to shake as he balled his hands into fists,
"I thought he'd be different now... but he's still the same... I'm still not important to him,"

Well damn you weren't really expecting all of this.

"Touya, even though I don't really like your father all that much, it's obvious that he cares about you and wants to be present in your life,"

You could tell that he still wasn't so sure about that.

"Remember when he found out you were alive? You're his son, Touya,"

The boy began to calm down at your words, seeing the truth in what you'd spoke. His dad did change for the better, even if only a small margin.

The teen sniffled,
"I'm sorry I was mean to you,"

You smiled at him and put your hand on his shoulder,
"Apology accepted,"

The walls around the two of you disappeared, and as the boy stood up, so did his chair. As soon as this happened you immediately collapsed onto the floor and passed out.


When you woke up, you found yourself laying down on the couch with Touya sitting beside you, holding your hand.

When he noticed you beginning to wake up, he quickly let go of your hand.

"You're awake?"

You groaned as you sat up,
"Yup. All that stuff where we talked about our feelings or whatever happened, right?"

He nodded, and you let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew! I'm glad we've sorted things out then,"

After a moment of silence, the boy hugged you tightly. He missed this feeling, and so did you.

"I'm glad your back,"
He whispered.

You hugged him back,
"Me too,"

HE'S NICE AGAIN but with the conflict solved idk what to do so it may be a bit before the next chapter

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now