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You had no clue where you were, and this time, it wasn't on purpose. The kids pretty much forced you to take a week off due to the fact that they didn't want you getting tired of them, and the older siblings knew how much trouble it could be raising the four of them.

But you really didn't expect getting lost in a city. It was dark too which definitely didn't help. It was just your luck to get lost in a cold dark city on your vacation week! All you wanted to do was eat some nice food!

Eventually you found your way under a bridge to hide from the oncoming rain. But to your dismay, you weren't alone.

"Help me... someone, please..."

Was that the voice of a child?

Oh hell no. There was no way you were going to let the ghost of a child get the better of you. Child or not, you'd punch a ghost if you had to.

You slowly turned around ready to punch a poltergeist, but ended up finding a frail looking child sitting alone under the bridge.

His skin looked dry and his hair was a pale color. Just what had happened to him?

With your quirk you created a small flame over your hand to illuminate the area.

"Little boy, are you alright?"

He raised his head at you in shock. To be honest he was just asking for help out of habit, he didn't expect anyone to answer! But realizing his mistake, he quickly hid his face.

"D-don't look at me!"

You quickly turned your head. Of course you saw what he looked like, how could you not? But you could recognize the insecurity in his voice, so you pretended not to. Also, in the slight chance he really was a ghost, it'd probably be best to do as he said.

The little boy quickly put a surgical mask over his face before giving you the okay to look at him.

He really didn't want to mess this up, you were the first person in a long while to offer him help, and he didn't want to scare you away!

"Little boy, what's your name?"

He looked nervously at the ground, fidgeting with his fingers,
"I... I don't wanna say it,"

A bit suspicious, but you've met a lot of weird children before.

"Would you like me to help you find your family?"

He froze up. The look he gave you was full of guilt and remorse. He picked up a flower from the ground, and you watched as it slowly decayed.

It didn't take you too long to figure out what happened.

"Oh you poor baby, I'm so sorry,"


You gave the boy a hug knowing the dangers it could impose. He'd just been through so much, and looked like he needed a hug.

The boy was stunned. What was this? Were you showing him... kindness?

Even in broad daylight when it was clear he was suffering, countless others turned their back to him. But you, you met him underneath a creepy bridge on a rainy night and you were giving him a hug?

Of course he'd cry. He made sure not to get all five of his fingers on you while he hugged you back, which you would come to greatly appreciate.

"There there little one, everything will be alright,"

He cried even more. And the two of you stayed like that for a while, and by a while, I mean until midnight.

You scooped the frail boy into your arms and carried him out of the bridge.

"What do you say we get ourselves somewhere more homely, little one?"

He was a bit confused, but nodded anyways.

You closed your eyes and began to focus on the house you'd rented for your vacation. You could remember all of its details and what surrounded it, but you couldn't quite tell where it was in relation to your location.

You kept focusing on the house, and soon the little boy saw a blue line begin to glow on the ground. After a bit, you opened your eyes.

"There! That should make things easier,"

The boy watched with even more amazement as a bike appeared in front of him, a bike which had a child seat in the back.

You strapped the boy on the seat before getting on yourself, and made your way back home, following the blue line.

You didn't really want to use your quirk to get home, you really didn't, but you felt like you had to. You tried not to use your quirk in public as much as you could, doing something like that was pretty much a beacon for all the unsavory people who may want to confront you.

It wasn't like you made many enemies, it was more like... you weren't really accepted by a certain group of people who had access to a large number of powerful individuals who may or may not be keeping tabs on you.

When you got inside the house, you wanted to offer the boy a meal, but it seemed like he'd already fallen asleep on your couch. You decided that no child should have to sleep on a couch, and took him to the guest room and tucked him into bed.

You'd figure out what to do in the morning. For now, you just needed to rest, you used a lot of energy biking and using your quirk.

Little shigaraki omg I think I might change his age to be a smidge younger than what his canon age would be in this time period

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