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Whenever you cleaned the rooms of the Todoroki children, you tried not to be too nosy, and the children were happy with that, surprised at how much you respected their privacy.

Although you just couldn't help yourself from reading the occasional paper on the ground whenever the chance arose, and today you were very glad you did.

The paper read,
"3rd grade father-child celebration!"

You were a bit confused as to why they'd have a father-child celebration when it was nowhere near Father's Day, but that wasn't the important part.

It was father-child day for Natsuo, and he didn't even tell you! You could just imagine him sitting alone in his classroom, watching all the kids having the time of their lives with their dads. There was no way Endeavor would go there, so it'd be up to you to secure the child's happiness.

"Touya, I have to go to Natsuo's school! Stay safe, okay?"

"I will, dad! Bye!"

Whenever the two of you were alone, the boy would call you 'dad,' and you reciprocated by occasionally calling him 'son.' (You don't call him 'son' all the time because no one does that).

You made sure not to do it in front of the other children just in case they weren't comfortable with it- you didn't want them to feel pressured.

You ran as fast as you could to his school, filling out the necessary paperwork before entering the boy's classroom.

The teacher gave you a strange look,
"Uhm, hello? Who are you here for?"

"Natsuo, Natsuo Todoroki,"

You scanned the classroom to find him sitting alone, and he seemed quite shocked to see you there.

"Oh, are you his dad?"

You were a little confused on how the teacher didn't know who Natsuo's dad was, but before you could answer, Natsuo did.

"Yeah, he's my dad!"

You decided to roll with it. If he wanted you to be his dad today, then you would.

You walked over to his desk, finding a chair to sit on. You couldn't help but smile at how his hand reached over to hold onto yours, just as the other children did.

The rest of the school day consisted of father-child activities, like throwing a frisbee, throwing paper airplanes, things like that. Throughout the day, you learned more and more about what the boy liked. Before now, he hadn't really shared too much about himself with you, though it was less that he wasn't comfortable with you, and more that he just never got to spend much solo time with you.

Turns out the boy was set on becoming a medical professional, wanting to help others in a way that was different than his father. His other likes included: cool cars, action figures, ice cream, and candy. (I have no clue on what grownup him likes other than the fact that he's trying to get a medical degree so I'm making things up).

When all the children scurried off to prepare something, another father approached you.

"I'm glad you showed up, your kid there looked super down. Completely changed now that you're here,"

You felt your heart warm at this knowledge, and continued to converse with the (VERY MARRIED) father until the children were ready to present their work.

One by one the children held up a tiny canvas which had a picture of them and their father in the center before they spoke about their favorite things about their fathers. You could tell Natsuo was nervous, after all, his canvas didn't have a picture of him and his real father, and you'd never taken a photo with him.

So while no one was paying attention, you used your quirk to put a picture of you and Natsuo on his canvas, bright smiles on both of your faces. He knew immediately it was your doing, and gave you an appreciative look. Then, it was his turn to speak.

"I love my dad because he's always super nice to me and my siblings! He never yells at me, and never ever hurts my feelings! And he's super cool too!"

He ran up to you, giving you a hug before sitting in your lap like the other kids had done. Your heart shattered into a million pieces (in the good way) before reforming just to melt again. That was probably the sweetest thing you'd ever heard in your life!

You ended up picking Shoto up from kindergarten with Natsuo, surprising the teacher.

"Are you his guardian?"

You nodded, showing her some papers. Shoto waddled over to you and Natsuo, hugging your legs.

You patted his head,
"I missed you too, Shoto!"

You walked home with the two boys, both of them holding your hands as you walked down the sidewalk back home. Natsuo was happier than ever, and Shoto was just happy that you picked him up from school today.

Slowly but surely, you were unknowingly becoming the new dad to the Todoroki children.

I realized I hadn't done much for Natsuo and Fuyumi so expect a Fuyumi chapter next

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum