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Oh no! Little Shoto caught a cold!

You knew you probably shouldn't have let him play in the rain the day before, but he was just too cute splashing in those puddles! And to your credit, you did make sure he was wearing all the proper rain gear, a yellow rain jacket and yellow ducky boots. It should've been enough, it was enough for his siblings, but his younger immune system may have played a part in his downfall.

So now you were preparing a hearty soup for him, the other children playing amongst themselves. You set a strict rule that none of them could go into Shoto's room while he was sick, you didn't want his sickness spreading.

But you couldn't just separate isolate him like that, so you allowed them to speak and interact with him from the door, which was a good distance from the bed in which he laid.

Natsuo was eager to help you take care of Shoto. After all, he wanted to be a hospital person when he grew up! Maybe even a doctor!

When he had told you about these aspirations, you were able to talk to some friends and get him a genuine stethoscope! He was ecstatic that day, listening to the heartbeats of everyone in the house.

And today he wore that same stethoscope, ready to assist you in your care for the sick child.

Initially, you had tried to steer him away from this, not wanting him to get sick as well. But he just kept insisting, and had the most adorable earnest look in his eyes. You just couldn't say no!

You realized then that you needed to build up a resistance to the adorableness of the Todoroki children.

You ladles the soup into a bowl, putting it on a tray which already had a cup of ginger lemon tea which was just a little bit hotter than warm. (IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE ITS LIKE HOT BUT DRINKABLE HOT).

You looked down at your little helper,
"Alright Dr. Natsuo, are you ready to see the patient?"

He smile grew wide at the title you'd gave him,

"Shoto? I've brought soup and tea, are you hungry?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

The tiny boy groaned before sitting up and nodding. He felt simultaneously hot and cold, the outside of body felt like it was two seconds ahead of the inside, and his mind was foggy. Why did he have to get sick?

You sat down next to him, setting the tray down. You took a spoonful of the soup and held it up to his mouth, your other hand beneath the spoon to catch any spillage.

He drank the soup, but to his dismay, he could barely taste any of it.

He felt a tad bit better after finishing his soup, but he was still suffering.

You put a hand to his forehead, finding there was a consistent hotness to it.
"You definitely still have a fever, you'll have to take your medicine soon,"

And speak of the devil, Dr. Natsuo had arrived having completed the little fetch quest you sent him on. In his hands he held a bottle of children's cold medicine.

"Don't worry Shoto! Dr. Natsuo is here!"

You had to quiet down the wannabe doctor, his voice was just too loud for poor sick Shoto!

Against your better judgement, you let Natsuo pour the medicine into the measuring cap, which luckily only resulted in minimal mess.

You didn't let the boy get too close to his younger brother though, still not wanting him to get sick. But you let him watch you help Shoto drink his medicine.

The little boy's face scrunched up as he cringed from the taste, sticking out his tongue.
"It's yucky..."

You handed him his tea,
"Drink your tea, it'll help get rid of the yuckiness,"

He did as you said, and was pleased to find that you told the truth.

A little while later Natsuo had left to play with his siblings, and you were just about ready to leave as well, wanting Shoto to sleep. But nothing would ever be that easy.

"C-can you stay? Please? I don't wanna be alone..."

There was no chance you could say no.

So you sat near the boy as he drifted off to sleep, holding his hand in yours.

I will call him little Shoto till the day I die BECAUSE THATs WHAT HE IS

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now