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Although homeschooling Touya was going great, it was obvious that he wanted to out into the outside world, moreover he wanted to be able to play with his siblings outside without the risk of being caught.

But it just seemed too risky. What if you got separated and your quirk disappeared from him? What if you got exhausted and your quirk wore off?

There was also the question on how he'd be able to make any friends if he was always cooped up in the house, and it made you realize how much easier life would've been if he had never 'died.'

Touya could tell that this predicament caused you some stress, but he couldn't really do anything, so he just tried to be as happy as possible in hopes that it'd make it seem like less of an issue.

One day he noticed you seemed a lot more sluggish than normal, and out of concern, he questioned it.

You just chuckled, ruffling his hair before telling him not to worry about it. Well that just made him worry even more. Were you tiring yourself out because of him? Was he making you miserable? Did he ruin something again?

These thoughts most likely would've continued to fester if he hadn't thought them right in front of you. The child was easy to read, so you decided to give him his surprise gift early.

You held locket in front of him, and he was a bit confused.

"Is it for me? Really?"

You nodded, and he hesitantly took the gift, putting it around his neck. Even more confusing was the fact that you took a picture of him right after. He took a peek at your phone, and strangely enough, there was a stranger in the photo!

But you took a photo of him, so how could...

"I asked one of my friends for some help, she was able to make me a locket that can store some of my energy, that way, my quirk can cover you even when I'm not around!"

He looked at you with wide eyes, his heart racing,
"Does that mean I get to go outside?!"

You nodded with a smile, and the boy couldn't help but jump at you with a hug, holding you tight. You hugged him back as he repeatedly thanked you.

"Say, what do you say we take it out for a spin? I've noticed there's a park nearby,"

The sparkle in his eyes made your heart want to burst,

You nodded once more, and he quickly cheered in celebration before putting his shoes on, eager to be back outside.

The sun on his skin, a cool breeze running through his hair, he missed it all dearly. But now he could have it all, thanks to you.

On the way to the park, he started to tell you about his dreams and aspirations.

"My dad wanted me to be a hero, and I do still kinda want to be one, but being a rock star would be so cool! I wanna wear a leather jacket and play the guitar!"

Well now you knew what you'd get him for his birthday.

"And I could use my quirk to make super cool flames around me and my band too! We'd be the best in the world!"

You chuckled at his fantasies,
"Well I hope you'll give me VIP tickets then,"

He looked at you a bit shocked,
"You'd be okay with me not being a hero?"

You pulled him a little closer to you as some people passed by,
"Of course I would, I want you to follow your dreams,"

He hesitated for a moment,
"But what if... what if I don't know what I want to do yet?"

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now