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It was a bit odd at first to hear all the children referring to you as 'dad,' but it warmed your heart each time none the less, and you soon grew used to it as well.

You still had a myriad of questions though. What happened to their mother? How'd Shoto get his scar? And when were you gonna get a pay raise?

These thoughts would have to wait though, as you were on a surprise grocery run, needing to find something all four of the children would like. Cold soba maybe?

Luckily everything you needed was here at the nearby convenience store, and you quickly bought your items. But just as you left the store, someone grabbed onto your arm.

"You. I need to talk to you,"

You snatched your arm back from the mysterious man so you could get a better look at him. Long black hair, tired eyes...

It'd been a while since you left the house to buy the kids their dinner, and they were beginning to get worried. What was taking you so long? Did you get lost?

The younger of the four began fearing for the worst, but then suddenly, Natsuo came up with an idea, one which he proudly announced to his siblings.

"We should go find him!"

Fuyumi tried to axe the idea, airing her grievances,
"I don't think he'd like that, we were supposed to stay inside, and it's getting dark out,"

"But what if he's in trouble?! We have to go help him!" He argued.

Hearing this, Shoto decided to join his big brother's cause, both of them already putting their shoes on, getting ready to leave.

Not wanting to leave their younger siblings unattended, Touya and Fuyumi went with them.

"Something's up with you. Who's that kid you're always with?"

You spoke back coldly,
"So you've been watching me? I should've known. You 'heroes' are always up to something,"

"Answer the question,"

"Well then you're gonna have to be more specific. I just so happen to be taking care of multiple children,"

He clicked his tongue.
"They boy you go to the park with. He doesn't seem like a Todoroki,"

Your heart rate started to spike. Could it be that he knew that Touya was alive? You knew taking the boy outside was risky. But oh the smile on his face made it worth it.

More importantly, what would the pro hero do with the information? If he told Endeavor, you weren't sure what would come of it. You'd be getting fired, both metaphorically and literally.

"The boy who died. Touya Todoroki. It's him, isn't it?"

You shook your head, but you could tell that he saw right through you.

"Hey! What're you doing to our dad!"

Looking behind Aizawa's shoulder, you saw Natsuo pointing accusatorially at him, his other siblings standing behind him.

The hero gave you a confused look,

You ran to the kids,
"Natsuo! I told you not to call me that in public! And I thought I told you four to stay home, do you have any idea what time it is?"

He gave you an apologetic look,
"I know... we just got worried!"

You couldn't stay mad at them for that. But you couldn't give them a hug just yet. Aizawa was still watching, specifically at Touya, who seemed a bit nervous.

Fuyumi questioned,
"Mister (l/n), do you know this man?"

You decided to answer her truthfully,
"Yes, I do. We actually dated for a little bit during high school,"

You glared at him,
"But things change,"

Natsuo dramatically gagged,
"Did that mean you two kissed on the lips? Gross!"

Fuyumi shot Natsuo a scolding look,

"What? Kissing on the lips is super gross!"

You sighed at his innocence, and tried to shift the subject.

"Anyways, me and Aizawa here were just finishing up our conversation. Let's go home and eat, shall we?"

Not looking back at the hero, you walked back home with the children, a bad feeling sitting in your stomach.

Aizawa knew. He knew, and now he'd have to make a choice. You just hoped he'd make the right one.

But for now, all you could do was hold the children tightly in your arms.

The plot thiccens

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now