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For the first time in a while, Touya woke up without nightmares, in a soft bed, and being hugged! You were still asleep, so he took that as an opportunity to hug you a bit tighter, enjoying the feeling of something he'd been deprived of.

He fell asleep again a short while later, and you woke up to the 13/14 year old boy clinging onto you like a koala to its tree, except you had to get out of bed, so that koala had to dismount.

You wormed your way out of his arms, re-tucking him into the bed once you got out to make breakfast.

It was a bit of an adjustment to have to take care of four children, but you felt like you could handle it, especially with how you consoled Touya the day before, you really felt like a professional! (You may or may not be).

You sent the kids off to school once more, leaving you alone with the 'dead' child.

You knew you couldn't send him to school, but you also wanted to make sure he got an education and didn't get left behind, so you had to think of an easy solution.

"Guess what Touya, you're going to school?"

He looked at you with a puzzle expression,

"I'm gonna be your teacher!"

"You can do that?"

"Maybe! I'm not actually too sure, but some learning is better than no learning. Come to my room, it'll probably be best to use that as the classroom,"

"And then you can factor x squared minus 1 into..."

He raised his hand eagerly before answering,
"x-1 and x+1 because it's a difference of squares!"

You gave him a high-five,
"Nice job Touya! You've been on a roll today, I think you deserve a sticker!"

He gasped as you pulled out a sticker sheet from a drawer, giving him a sticker with a rock holding a guitar which said "you rock!"

He smiled brightly at the sticker, sticking it carefully into a sticker journal you had gifted him.

"Alright, I think that's enough math for now. How about we-"

You noticed him raising his hand patiently.

"Yes, Touya?"

"Can you help me with the lotion again? My skin feels itchy,"

"Sure thing bud,"

• 10 minutes later

"Okay, now that that's taken care of, let's move onto the next subject, science!"

"Cool! Are we gonna mix chemicals? Can we make a volcano?"

The boy seemed pretty fired up about it, which made what you were about to say make you feel bad.

"Sorry little dude, but we're learning about genetics,"

He deflated a little, but was still ready to pay attention and learn. You used your quirk to conjure up an image,
"This is Gregor Mendel, also known as the father of genetics..."

You continued on about the man's life story and his research, occasionally quizzing the boy and giving praise where praise was due.

"And why did he use peas?"

Touya thought about it for a moment before answering,
"...because they grew fast?"


He celebrated as you gave him a sticker.

The hours went by, and after a nice hearty lunch, the three other children returned, telling you all about their day.

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now