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I've been making this too sad have a happy chapter

"Alright everyone! Get in the car, we're going!"

The children excitedly got in your family van, and you helped Shoto put his seatbelt on before getting in the driver's seat.

You looked at the children through your rear view mirror,
"You all went to the bathroom, right? It'll be a while till we get to the beach,"

They all nodded their heads except Natsuo, who stared out the window nervously.

"Natsuo, go to the bathroom,"

"But I don't have to!"

"Go. Now,"

He huffed and got out of the car.

"Fuyumi, go follow him and make sure he actually goes,"

She nodded before leaving the car as well. You learned that you had to be stern with the kids as well, otherwise more issues would come up in the future. You couldn't just let them do whatever they wanted, there had to be limitations.

Soon enough you were on the road, the children playing games with each other or by themselves as you drove along, an excited feeling bubbling within themselves at the prospect of a beach day.

"Are we there yet?"

"Soon, Natsuo,"

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet, Shoto,"

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost, Touya,"

"Are we-"

Fuyumi cut her brother off,
"We'll get there when we get there!"

You thanked her.

Opening the door of the car, you were instantly hit with a blast of hot sandy air, and struggled to get out of the car, your legs not used to walking anymore.

You quickly helped the kids out of the car before gathering the supplies and equipment from the trunk, locking the car and walking down to the actual beach.

You opted for one of those tent things that had no walls, making sure it was stable after sticking the poles deep into the ground. You laid down a picnic blanket and pulled out some foldable chairs, and it actually looked pretty nice altogether!

"Okay kids, time for sun screen!"

"Natsuo and I don't need sunscreen, our ice quirks keep us cool enough to where we don't get sunburnt,"

A part of you felt like that's not how it should work, but decided not to question it.

You turned your attention to Touya, who was trying to stealthily sneak away.

"You get back here right now young man,"

He nervously tried to come up with an excuse,
"I- I have an ice qui-"

"I know for a fact that you don't. Why don't you want sunscreen?"

He cringed,
"It feels weird!"

"It'll only be for a moment, then you can play with your siblings as much as you want!"

After a moment's consideration, he decided to just tough it out, and after a bit of work, Touya was fully protected from the sun.

Shoto was very compliant while you put his sunscreen on, which you appreciated.

"Okay you four, stick together and make sure not to go too far. I'll stay here. If you need ANY help, call for me, understand?"

They all nodded before heading off into the water, eager to splash around. But you soon realized that Shoto was a bit too small to be able to play in the same areas as the rest of his siblings, and he didn't want to hold them back.

Quite the dilemma.

You ended up walking into the salty ocean with Shoto, who was enamored by the cold water which surrounded him. While the other three played with each other, you and Shoto lightly splashed each other with the water, and played a game in which you'd run away from the approaching waves.

But his attention soon was stolen by the sight of other kids playing in the sand, and now he wanted to do that as well. And who were you to deny him? I mean, that's the whole reason you brought a kids sand-play set.

He was amazed by the brightly colored tools before getting to work, firstly digging a hole.

While he was doing that, you decided to have a bit of fun for yourself. A while back, you decided to be a little adventurous, and bought a large sun hat just for this occasion. You weren't sure whether it'd look good on you, but then again, you looked good in everything you wore!

But it hadn't even been two minutes before you found Shoto staring longingly at your brilliant hat.

With a sigh, you set the hat on the boy's head, which he promptly thanked you for. You were a bit disheartened about it, but then again, it looked quite funny on him, not to mention adorable, so I guess it was a fair trade off.

From the distance you could see the three older siblings enjoying themselves, having water fights and whatnot.

It was nice being able to see them all playing together, even if Shoto decided to play by himself. They were all having fun being children, and that was enough.

But everyone gets hungry, and you soon had four starving little children in front of you, their stomachs rumbling.

You found the picnic basket you brought, and handed each one of them a sandwich and a juice box.

"Mine doesn't have the crust on it, right?"

"Don't worry Tou- Dabi, I cut it off for you,"

You still couldn't risk anyone figuring out he was alive, and although it might've been uncomfortable for him to have the locket on his bare skin, he kept it on, knowing it was for his safety.

You had high hopes that at some point, he'd reveal himself to the world, and that he wouldn't have to be in hiding anymore. You wanted him to be able to be himself.

Not to mention powering up the locket every night was exhausting. But it would have to do for now.

The children quickly finished their meals, and instead of going back out into the ocean, they decided to stay close by, examining Shoto's sand work.

He seemed excited that his siblings were interested in the same thing he was, and he was eager to let them join in.

You took a quick photo while they weren't paying attention, and you swore it was just the nicest thing you've ever seen.

The beach trip ended soon after, all the children quickly growing tired from all the fun in the sun.

The ride back to the house was a quiet one as the children snored softly. It'd probably be hard to get them all back into the house, but you were okay with that.


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