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"It's nice to meet you, prince Shoto,"

The little boy giggled when he heard you call him that, his cardboard crown almost falling off as he did so.

For a while now, Shoto had shown an interest in medieval kingdoms and such, so you took the time to prepare some things in his room to fit the fantasy.

A cardboard castle stood in the corner of his room while a regal chair sat in the middle, with the little boy using that as his thrown. Along with his normal pajamas, the boy wore a red cape with white fur trim, and a cardboard crown spray painted gold on his head.

He felt so happy! Now all he needed was an adventure...

Suddenly you gasped,
"Prince Shoto! We've gotten reports of two ogres terrorizing a village down south! What should we do?"

The little boy hopped off his throne and put his fist in the air,
"I'll defeat them!"

"Let's get to your noble steed then!"

You left the room and returned with a rolling office chair which you attached a horse plush onto and helped the boy onto it.

He pointed forwards,
"Onwards, to victory!"

You rolled the little prince out into the hallway, smiling at how he was giggling the entire way. Then suddenly, you stopped.

The little boy was confused until he saw a cold fog roll into the hallway, a shadowy figure soon appearing.

"Show yourself!"
The little boy demanded.

The fog cleared, and the mysterious figure revealed itself to him.

"Fufufu! I am the wicked witch of the... hallway! And I'm here to end your journey!"

She wore a dark cloak and witch hat, and began to laugh wickedly as she snow started forming from her hands.

But she didn't get the reaction you or her wanted from the little boy. Instead of confidence, the little boy felt sadness.

His big sister was always so nice to him, he didn't wanna fight her!

Upon seeing her little brother's distressed expression, the girl dropped the witch act and went to her brother.

"Shoto, what's wrong?"

He hugged her before answering,
"I don't wanna fight you!"

She hugged him back,
"It's alright, you don't have to fight me!"


She sighed before taking a moment to think of a way to fix the situation.

"You won't have to fight me because... because I'm secretly a good witch! And your act of compassion reminded me of that!"

The boy tilted his head in confusion, making his sister explain it in an easier way.

"You made me nice,"

The little boy gasped in shock at this revelation before smiling brightly at his nice big sister.

"And now I have a gift for you! An enchanted sword that can defeat the forces of evil,"

She put her hand into her cloak, and as she took it out, you used your quirk to form a magical looking sword that was fit for a tiny prince!

He grabbed it by the hilt before swinging it around, looking at it with awe.

He then hugged his sister,
"Thank you nee-chan!"

It was a nice sight to see, especially since you didn't really have to do anything, but this meant that you now had to push two passengers instead of one. You'd manage though.

The initial plan for this whole thing was for Shoto to defeat his sister, then you'd make it look like she evaporated and left behind the sword, but you were okay with a little improvisation.

You did feel a little bad for Fuyumi though, she did seem really excited to play the part of an evil magic user, but at the same time, she looked pretty happy to help the little prince.

Soon enough you were able to get them to the backyard where Touya and Natsuo were stomping around a little dirt village, both of them wearing fake sharp teeth and horns.

"Mwahaha! Feel our wrath!"

You watched as Touya repeatedly stomped on a single dirt house. Maybe he was enjoying this a little too much.

"What're we gonna do? Prince Shoto?"
Fuyumi asked.

The little boy confidently jumped off the chair and pointed his sword at the two ogre brothers.

"I will defeat them!"

He then ran over to his two brothers.

"You think you can defeat us, little prince?"
Touya asked.

"Yeah, there's only one thing that can take us down!"
Natsuo added.

Shoto smirked before pulling out his magical sword.

The ogre brothers gasped dramatically with exaggerated expressions upon seeing the sword.

"Oh no! The evil defeating sword!"
Said Natsuo.

Touya put his foot down,
"It's alright brother, he's all by himself, we can still take him!"

"He's not alone!"

Fuyumi stood next to her baby brother, giving him a reassuring look.

Touya and Natsuo were a bit confused seeing as to their knowledge, she was supposed to have been defeated and evaporated. But they rolled with it anyways.

The four of them then 'battled' each other, with you refereeing to make sure they wouldn't actually hurt each other.

By the end of it all they were all laughing with bright smiles on their faces, albeit they were exhausted.


"Did you have a fun day, little prince?"
You asked while tucking the boy into bed.

He gave you a tired smile,
"Yeah, I did!"



The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ