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Three days until Endeavor would return.

Three days of calm before the storm.

Three days left to hold the kids close.

Three days left until you wouldn't be certain of your employment status.

Goddamn you had to stop thinking so many sad thoughts!

You shook your head, trying to shake the dark clouds out of your mind as you tried to sleep.

Suddenly a small boy appeared in front of you. He looked a bit confused, tired, and sad.

"Shoto? What are you doing here?"

He looked down at the ground guiltily, tightening his grip on his pillow,
"I couldn't sleep..."

"Aww, my sweet boy..." you said as you lifted him onto the couch.

"Want to stay here with me for a while?"

He nodded his head eagerly, resting his little body on yours while still hugging tight on his pillow, enjoying the feeling of being swaddled in your blankets.

Oh you'd definitely miss this little boy. He was just too cute sometimes!

It wasn't too long before he began to snore, and you carefully lifted him up and took him back to his room, tucking him into bed.

You didn't give him a goodnight kiss for fear of waking him, but you gave him one in your mind in hopes that somehow it made its way into his dreams.

Shoto deserved better. All of them deserved better.

How would you be able to ensure their safety and happiness if you got fired? You'd never be able to forgive yourself if they got hurt while you were gone.

You'd think about that another time. For now, you'd just go to sleep and hopefully dream of something happier.

You heard the gasp of a small boy.

"Dad, look!"

You made your way over to Shoto, finding him plopped down on the grass.

"What is it, bud?"

He held his hand up to you, showing the small little ladybug crawling on his finger.

"It's so tiny and cute! Can we keep him? Please?"

You chuckled, patting the boy's head,
"I'm sorry Shoto, but I don't think the ladybug would like that,"

The tiny boy pouted, still watching the ladybug crawl on his hand.

You squished the boy'a cheeks playfully,
"Aw, don't be like that Shoto! Where's that adorable smile?"

The little boy couldn't help but crack a grin at your actions, failed attempts at stifling his giggled giving him away.

"There it is!" You exclaimed before scooping the boy into your arms.

At this point it was impossible for him not to smile. How could he when he had all of this affection?

The ladybug decided that it spent enough time on this child's hand, and began to fly away. Before Shoto would be able to register it, you went into action.

"Say, 'bye bye ladybug!'"

He waved at the ladybug,
"Bye bye ladybug!"

Thanks to your quick thinking, you successfully avoided an awkward conversation about things leaving.

"You're not gonna leave like the ladybug, right?"


"Shoto, it's time we talking about something very important,"

You sat down on a bench, the boy still in your arms, sitting on your lap with a questioning gaze.

"Your brother, he's planning to tell his father about his situation. When that happens, there's a good chance I might not be able to come back to you all,"

His eyes progressively widened as he processed what you told him. You were gonna leave him? Why? He thought you liked him!

"I don't wanna leave! I'll be a good boy, I swear! I'll eat all my bell peppers!"

A sad sigh left you as you wiped the tears from his eyes,
"Oh Shoto, it's not about how good or bad you are. Some things are just out of our control. Just know that if I ever leave, I'll keep loving you and your siblings just as much as I do now,"

He sobbed into your shirt for a good while, not wanting to go back to a life without you.

"Do... do they know too?"

"Yes. I've already told your other siblings,"

He rested his head on your chest, taking comfort in the sound of your heartbeat. He'd definitely miss you, and he hoped to high heaven you wouldn't have to leave.

Today was the day.

You, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto had all left the house, as per Touya's request.

Touya knew that if any of you were home, he wouldn't be able to confront his father. You were all his safety net, but he relied too much on you.

So you gave the boy one last hug before leaving the house with the other children, everyone putting on a brave face as they did so.

Would you get fired? Would Endeavor accept his son? Would the failure of a father change his ways?


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