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You rode to Fuyumi's school with her next to you, filling you in on everything you needed to know. Though she was normally on top of everything, she'd somehow forgotten to tell you about the parent teacher conference that was coming up.

"When my teacher offers you a cookie, take it and then compliment it, she's really insecure about her baking skills,"

It was a bit of an odd thing to know, but all knowledge is good knowledge I guess.

Her school was overwhelmingly huge, but that's to be expected when her father had as much money as he did, which made you wonder; when were you going to get a pay raise?

There was also something else that was strange about the school. There weren't any men. It was an all girls school.

"You didn't tell me it's an all girl's school, I feel so out of place here!"

She began pushing you into the school, afraid you'd take too long,
"It'll be fine!"

Although it was a bit awkward, you managed to get through most of the conference without a hitch, even striking up conversation with the other parents.

"Fuyumi is your daughter, right?"

You nodded out of instinct, with it soon being too late for you to correct the woman you were talking to.

"She's such a nice girl, best in my class, but don't tell the other kids," she said with a sly smile.

She continued,
"Though for a while I was worried for her. A few months ago her grades started slipping, and she was getting sluggish as well. I asked her about it, but she didn't want to talk to me about it,"

You decided to give the teacher a nugget of information,
"There was a family emergency a while ago, but we're beginning to recover from it,"

She gave you a relieved smile,
"That's good to hear. It's always hard seeing a student go through so much,"

She then walked off, having to attend to her classroom.

"Hey Todoroki! Is that your dad?"

You were about to tell the girl that you were just her guardian, but in a panic, Fuyumi cut you off.
"Yup! Yeah, this is my dad! Say hi dad!"

It was a bit odd how she was acting, but you decided you'd play along.

"Hi there, nice to meet you!"

The girl exchanged pleasantries with you before looking back at your 'daughter.'

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the bookstore tomorrow? I heard they got a new collection today!"

Seemingly flustered, Fuyumi quickly replied,
"Of course! I mean, yeah, I'd totally like to go,"

The girl gave her a gleeful smile,
"Great! I'll text you the info when I get home!"

The girl handed her a piece of paper before walking off to her parent.

"So, daughter, wanna explain yourself?"

Her face went a smidge pink,
"I don't know! For some reason when I talk to her I get like this! It's not a quirk thing either, her quirk just makes her hair change colors!"

You had a few assumptions, but decided not to speak on any of them.

"Well that's alright, it happens sometimes. But for the record, if you ever need any advice, just ask me,"

She nodded hesitantly before the two of you went back to the train station. It must've been a tiring day for her, as her head soon rested against your shoulder as she slept soundly in the train car.

From what you could piece together, she'd been the one who took care of her siblings in the absence of her parents, and it may have taken a toll on her. But you were here to make sure she could spend her childhood being a kid, not a replacement parent.

A typical case of oldest-daughter syndrome, but you'd make sure something like that wouldn't happen again.


The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now