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"No no, don't cry Tenko, your papa's gonna be fine. I'm just a little sick is all!"

Your son sniffled as he watched you cough into your arm.

Somehow you'd managed to get sick, and you quarantined yourself into your room not wanting Tenko or Toshinori to catch what you had as well.

Initially you'd tried to keep Tenko out of your room, but after hearing him sobbing outside your door you couldn't help but let him in. It just hurt too much for you to hear him distressed like that.

"I can't give you hugs?"

You shook your head,
"No Tenko, I'm afraid not,"

"And you can't give me kisses?"

You shook your head again and saw your son's expression get even sadder than earlier.

"Well... is papa gonna be better tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure Tenko, we can only hope,"

That answer wasn't really helpful, but it was enough for him.

"Say, why don't you help papa out and get me a glass of water? Think you can do that?"

Wanting to be helpful, Tenko nodded with a smile, hurriedly running away to complete the task you'd given him. With your son gone for now, you made sure to use these precious moments alone to rest, closing your eyes.

About a minute later he was back with the water, holding it with both hands so it wouldn't spill.

"Papa, I'm back!"

You sat up and took the water from him, taking a long drink.

"Thanks buddy, I appreciate it,"

In times like this, he liked feeling helpful, and he always enjoyed your praise. But still, he wanted to more!

You were the man who saved him from suffering, and it was distressing to see you, who Tenko though invincible, to be bedridden like this. You helped him once, and now it was his turn to help you!

Then he had a fantastic idea, running out of the room and returning with his most favorite story book.


"I'm gonna read you a bedtime story!"
He said confidently.

You chuckled,
"Okay then, read away,"

He began reading the story to you, just like you'd done so many times before for him. His reading level was good enough for it to go smoothly, with only some minor hiccups.

"The end!"
He closed the book with a satisfying thunk!

"Do you feel better now, papa?"
He asked excitedly.

You lied,
"I feel a little bit better now,"

You enjoyed seeing his smile expand.

"I should probably stay in bed though. You should go play with your toys, Tenko, I think I need to take a nap,"

He walked out of the room slightly disappointed.

At least you'd be able to sleep in peace and quiet now.


"You wont-"

"Quiet child, it is time for you to join your friends,"

A hand wrapped around Shigaraki's neck, lifting him into the air.

He wrapped his hands around your arms, trying to use his quirk to no avail. Damnit, why wasn't his quirk working out of all times?!

"By god, what've you done?! You've gone too far, (y/n)!"

You threw Shigaraki to the ground and turned to the blonde hero.

"Too far? He's a villain, there's no such thing as too far!"

"He has to face the law, you can't go around executing people!"

You shot a glare at the number one hero before turning your attention back to the villain.

"They aren't people anymore,"

"If you keep going like this, I'll have to stop you,"

You scoffed,
"I'd like to see you try,"

Walls surrounded you and Shigaraki, and you grinned at the villain.

"With this, the world will be a better place,"

You gasped as you woke up from your dream, thinking about it's contacts. That was cool as hell! You could totally make a story about that, it'd sell like hotcakes!

But then you thought about it again. That villain you were choking, was that Tenko? You shivered at the thought. His villainous future would've been sealed in stone if you hadn't found him when you did. Impoverished people and orphans were at a higher risk to become villains, yet it seemed like no one wanted to do anything about it.

You decided to scrap the book idea and forget about it, even if feeling so powerful felt nice.

It was strange though, your congestion seemed to have mysteriously disappeared, and you felt your mind clear from the fog of sickness.

You got out of bed and went to the living room, finding Tenko playing with a model train set your gifted him.

"Papa, you're better now!"
He ran over to you excitedly, jumping into your arms and hugging you tightly.

You gave kisses on his cheek, making him giggle.
"I think all of your love cured me, Tenko!"

He gasped,

"Well that and the medicine I took. But this is reason to celebrate, isn't it?"

He nodded happily, knowing ice cream sundaes were in his near future.

Hopefully with your guidance, you'd avoid the future you saw in your dream.



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