Sidestory: Izuku Midoriya pt3

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"Did you have fun shadowing your dad at his job?"
Inko asked as you returned home with your son.

The teenaged boy nodded enthusiastically,
"There were so many pro heroes there, I even got some of their autographs!"


He rolled his eyes,
"And I learned a lot too. I helped with some ideas for some hero gear, and dad said they might actually use it!"

She hugged her son,
"That's good to hear. Dinner will be ready in half an hour,"

You gave your wife a kiss before going to your room to get out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable.

Today you took your son to work so he might get a better feel for what you actually do, and hopefully inspire him a little too.

Safe to say you accomplished both of your goals.

Seeing as he was your son, and how amazing you were at your job, you managed to pull a few strings and got a nice internship lined up for him once he got into high school, which would hopefully lead to him getting a full time job at your company.

Was it nepotism? Maybe. But if pro-hero's could do it, why couldn't you?

When you first brought him to the office, you had to keep a close eye on him so he wouldn't wander off to meet a pro hero or take a peek at what your coworkers were working on. You knew he was excited, but damn he was just full of energy!

It was nice seeing him so happy though. Even if you dealt with most of the bullying problems he faced, the societal stigma around quirkless people would always be there to bog down people like you and him.

He wanted to apply to U.A as well, and you weren't so sure of his chances. Even if he did apply for a support type role, it would still be very difficult to get in without a quirk.

You just went to a normal high school and went to college like normal, and used to think he'd be able to do the same.

But he was so dead set on going to U.A, you wouldn't dare to even deflate his dreams even by a little. So you'd keep encouraging him while thinking of some backup plans.


Your son got into U.A! Also he had a quirk now?!

Something fishy must've happened when you weren't looking, but you knew that looking into it wouldn't do you any good. What mattered is that he'd achieved his dreams, though you were a little disappointed he didn't follow in your footsteps.

"I'm proud of you, kid,"
You said while hugging him tight.

"Thanks dad,"
He said back.

While Izuku was beyond happy to have a quirk, especially the one of the man he'd always looked up to, he couldn't deny that a part of him felt guilty.

You and him were like a team, both of you being quirkless but not letting the prejudice of the world get in the way of doing what you wanted.

And now he had a quirk.

All the time you spent with him teaching him about designing and engineering hero tools, was it all for nothing?

One of the biggest parts of why he was so receptive to you when he was younger was because you were just like him!

He felt like by having a quirk, he'd betrayed you in some way.

But how could he organically bring this up in a conversation without it seeming forced or weird?

"Izuku, what's wrong?"
Inko asked.

He said while shaking his head.

Inko gave you a look and you nodded.

Later in the day, you knocked on your son's door.
"Izuku, can I come in?"


You entered his room and sat beside him on his bed,
"Izuku, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothings wrong, I already-"

"I've been your father for about a decade now, I can tell when you're lying. You can tell me the truth,"
You said before putting a hand on his shoulder.

At that point he knew there wasn't any point in trying to hide it.

"I feel guilty..."
He said quietly.

You raised a brow,
"About having a quirk? Izuku, I don't mind. You've been wanting this for so long, I'm happy for you,"

He sighed,
"Not just that. We can't do any of the stuff we wanted to do before. I'm not gonna be able to work with you, or learn from you anymore,"

You hugged your son,
"Oh Izuku, you don't need to worry about any of that. Becoming a Pro Hero was what you wanted more than anything, even more than working with me. And that's alright. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to design something for you!"

He wondered how you were able to remain so positive, but remembered the type of person you were.

He hugged you back,
"Thanks, dad,"

While your dreams of having a mini-you were dashed, you found satisfaction in the fact that your son could accomplish his dreams.

Though you couldn't help but worry about what this meant.

He'd be fighting super powered villains, not just petty thugs to criminals. He'd have fame, but would also have a target on his back.

No, you couldn't think like that. Not yet.

"C'mon, your mother's finished up dinner,"

You stood up and left, leaving Izuku in his room.

Life had taken an exciting turn for him, and he couldn't wait to see what would happen next.


Sorry it ended abruptly I wanted to leave a bunch of gaps so then it wouldn't interfere too much with canon

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