03|| running through life

Start from the beginning

Still, I remain firm on my grip.

When the situation turns nothing but chaotic, with the push and pull, I let go of his collar, causing the manager to stumble along with his employees. The manager harshly tucked his collar, straightening the crease, however hard he tries the sign of my action remained there. His nostril flares, eyes shooting radars.

"What's this indecent behavioral?" He demands angrily.

But I'm also Kiraz.

I inch forward, making him take a step back so did his employees.

"Behaviour? Where did yours went? For cattle grazing?" I point out, "Do I pay you Seven hundred, just to see matting of black and white dots on my TV screen." I counter, pointing at my now crumbled payment receipt.

"There must be some issue with the server." His other employee tries to joist out the points, that this conversation is irrelevant.

"Why does this problem is with me only, if it's a server issues? Whereas, my neighbors are seating before there's, galloping whatever shit that idiotic box is throwing." Nevertheless, I try keeping my voice low, and ushering my depravity, it doesn't.

"We will look into the problem. That is no way you can manhandle-"

"When? Huh, when will you? From the past two days, I am trying to contact your service, but it repeats the same monotonous shit again and again. That to have my TV switched on, so that the connection gets back. I gave you two days, for the fact my TV has been on, adding values to my electricity bill. Now, what more must I do, get ready with a screwdriver and open the idiotic box and be a fucking engineer." I tuck at the straps of my purse, breathing heavily.

"Get ready to compensate your mistakes. I am reporting your unprofessional behaviour and let me watch how I don't bring down your business to ground." I threaten, poking my index finger on his chest.

This gets the desired attention of the manager, who was busy setting his crumbled tie, looks at me with enlarged eyes, expecting least of me to charge a suit on his firm. He shakes his head, a sense of fear darkening on him. "We will look at the problem right away ma'am. Ramesh moves away, let me see." He pushed the person before him, going behind the computer and furiously typing in the keyboard.

My lip twitch upward, seeing their compliance. "It's better be quick." I rampaged in my purse, taking out seven hundred, forwarding to the other one, "Make a new one of January."

"Yess madam." He takes it, going over to his counter, and doing the needful.

The door falls close behind my back. A triumph of smile overtook my face. I intertwine my fingers, cracking them. That's definitely some good Christmas eve action. Sometimes action are good. The sun flares at his pick most time. I flip my wrist, walking the same path, which I took earlier. It's 12:15. The victory last for few minutes, a breath of exhaustion leaves my mouth, my eyes pinned on the street which I have to once again cover.

Halfway, my phone went off. Shuffling it out from my bag, I watch the name home.

I sigh knowing, the TV connection is back.

"It's back." A gleeful voice cracks from other side. I bite my lips to stop the break of laugh, almost melting and forgetting the chaos he has created for not being able to watch his cartoon.

"Mumma, the cartoon is back." He says once again, not hearing me back. I can hear his breathless word, probably from jumping on the sofa.

I poke the inside of my cheek, my shoes hitting on the cobbled path, "You probably should be telling me something else."

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