Chapter XVII: Good Riddance

Start from the beginning

Sasuke braced himself, looking around to see if anything else would come; then a sudden bright flicker below his feet caused him to instinctively bolt out of the way of an explosion. Sasuke gritted his teeth, but stayed on guard as the next spot he landed on also blew up; he spun on his feet and side-stepped out of the way. 'This is starting to get troublesome. I don't wanna kill these people that aren't involved, and now there are random traps everywhere,’ he huffed. ‘Not to mention I've been training all day. Is there a way to tell where these explosions are?’

He went back to dealing with the punches and kicks of the controlled people. None made any results as he ducked and weaved out of all of them with ease, even when multiple threw them at once. It was like he was seeing the hits in slow motion. 

Two tried to tackle him from his sides, but he jumped up and split-kicked both of them. He then back-stepped out of a roundhouse kick and felt an unnatural squish under the floor. 'Now!' He side-kicked away the guy that kicked and palmed the ground with a Susanoo hand. The explosion caused cracks in it, but no more damage. 'It feels different wherever the explosives are compared to the normal parts. It's like I'm stepping on mud... Or clay. Either way, I should end this soon before it gets worse.'

He remembered what Edgeshot said about taking people down with a sword non-lethally and he drew his blade. 'Didn't think I'd end up using it this soon.'

"How do you like my art? I know it must have you speechless, and soon enough you'll be literally speechless since you'll be d—"

"Shut the hell up already. Where's the art at? You're blowing stuff up. No one besides you thinks of that as art. Although, I'll definitely enjoy seeing life flee from your eyes once I kill you."

Deidara frowned and Sasuke held the blade up to his face as he got into his speed-mode. In the blink of an eye, he cleaved through the crowd like a gust of wind, cutting at the tendons of each person's legs and arms before they could move an inch. When he made it to the other side of the crowd, he sheathed his blade and they all hit the floor. 

Sasori flinched and thought, 'Damn. Did he figure out that they're controlled by strings? I could still try to control a couple of bodies, but I'll have to use all my fingers just for one since they can't even support their limbs on their own anymore... Nah it isn't worth it, time to bring out the ultimate puppet.'

"Don't think you've won! How about this!?" Deidara made a hand-sign and Sasuke's eyes widened. He jolted back towards all the people, and tried to lay a mat under all of them while tossing them out of the arena. Although, he couldn't save them all. 

One of the ex-puppets looked up at Sasuke and outstretched a hand, "Help m—"

Most of the people were engulfed in explosions and the ring was littered with holes. Sasuke's eyes lingered on the gory scene as the smell of copper filled his nostrils. He felt blood running down his chin and wiped some of the red liquid off. He gritted his teeth and glared daggers back at Deidara. "Congratulations. I'm gonna make your death even slower now, bastard."

Deidara chuckled, "You got better, but as soon as you walked in here... You never stood a chance, hm.

Sasuke thought, ‘Most of this blood isn't mine… but I can feel pain in my right leg. It might have got hit by some explosive.’ 

He heard a huge stomp behind him and he quickly turned around to see a black Nomu. His jaw dropped and Deidara laughed, "Ha! You didn't think the one at USJ was the only one, did you? We have a dozen of these!" He thought, 'This one isn't nearly as strong as the one he saw before, but he doesn't need to know that. Nomu is still Nomu,' he shouted, "Now grovel in despair as you're struck down!"

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