My Sister in Anguish

Start from the beginning

Throwing the pillow off of her, she sat back up and looked around her. There was nothing in the room that she could use to draw her focus from her dismal thoughts. Exhaling loudly, she swung her feet off of the mattress and stood up. She looked at the clock that was hanging near the door to the right of the sofa. It was nearing one a.m. in the morning, and she wondered where Snape could be? 

It was not uncommon for him to arrive late. But he had ordered her to come back as soon as the dark lord left. Wouldn't he want to be here to ensure she had followed his command?  Biting her lip indecisively,  Aurora looked at the ground in contemplation. She really didn't want to stay here lost in her own thoughts right now. 

Nodding to herself resolutely, she stepped forward and walked out into the hallway. At least if he punishes her for leaving, she would have something to take her mind off of Muriel's screams. The hoarse whimpers of suffering and loud grunts of arousal were still echoing in her ears. It was hard enough for Aurora to cope with being used by one person, she couldn't imagine surviving what Muriel had been put through tonight. 

Aurora shuddered as she walked down the stairs and into the sitting room just past the entrance hall. The doors leading out to the garden were through the ostentatious room, and although she had no desire to be out there she desperately wanted some fresh air. Also, the bench under the gazebo provided a direct view of the front of the house. She would be able to see Snape return if he was no longer on the grounds. Something told her that he wasn't, but she couldn't be sure how she knew. 

She walked out to the bench and sat down on the intricately carved wood. It was stained a dark brown and had black iron railings for the arms. It wasn't the most comfortable in the middle of winter, but the cold bite of the metal was a welcome feeling. It helped to ground her so she wouldn't spin out of control. 

Small puffs of white carbon dioxide filled the air as she breathed out into the night. She could feel the numbness creeping into the tips of her nose and ears, but she was reluctant to cast a warming charm. A small part of herself wanted to suffer in retribution for the pain she had been involved in tonight. 

Aurora believed in the pureblood movement, she understood that mudbloods should not be allowed to mix with their ancestral lines. However, she did not think they deserved to die for what they were. Ousted from society maybe, but not completely eradicated.

A light turned on in the west side of the house, and Aurora's focus was drawn to it. She could see the silhouette of a male standing in front of the window but could not discern any features. The west wing was reserved for the family, and so it was more than likely Lucius. Aurora watched his shadowed movements intensely, blushing when she was able to determine that he was undressing. 

His frame was completely shrouded by the thin drapes hanging from the window, but the thought of him naked sent a pulse of need to her center. She was going to have to have a talk with these hormones of hers before they got her into trouble. 

Aurora's eyes narrowed when Lucius shifted slightly, and another form appeared next to him. It was obvious from the feminine curves that it was a woman. The woman reached up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head up invitingly. Aurora could picture the flirtatious smirk that Lucius was probably giving her, vividly. 

Jealousy clenched her gut tightly, but she stamped it down stubbornly. He was more than likely with Narcissa, and she couldn't fault him for seeking out his intended. However, it further cemented the idea in her head that he was just playing games with her. He clearly held a lot of love for Narcissa. Aurora did not think he would jeopardize their union for her. Not that she would want him to anyway. Snape would surely kill them both before it ever came to that. 

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