Ch. 20: The End of Raccoon City and Aftermath Again

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Narrator's Pov.

Izuku, his sister and friends were riding the elevator. The self destruct alarm was going out like crazy and they had to escape fast.

Sherry: Hey everyone.

Izuku: Yes?

Sherry: Thank you for looking out for me. I'm really glad I met you guys.

Claire: We're really glad that we met you too, Sherry.

Ingiuem: You're a very special kid.

Leon: I know we just met but you look like a tough kid to be related to Izuku.

Izuku: What's that supposed mean?

Leon: Ava told me everything and don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Izuku: Alright then. So how are you feeling, Sherry?

Sherry: I'll be fine, our parents maybe gone but at least we have each other.

Izuku hugged Sherry and Claire finds this moment precious.

Claire (thoughts): So cute.

Izuku let go of the hug and they finally arrived at the Monitor Room.

They were making a break for it and Izuku stopped to get a radio call from a familiar voice.

??? (radio): Izuku... Ingiuem! Please Respond!

Izuku: I know that voice, Jill?

Jill (radio): Yes. Listen, we found a way out of this place because they're going to bomb the city on October 1st.

Izuku: Alright, just go! Get out of here!

Jill (radio): What about you, guys? How will you get out?

They didn't get that part.

Ingiuem: I'm sorry, what was that?

Izuku: You're breaking up, Jill. Jill? Jill?!

The radio went static and he put it away.

Izuku: I hate Radios.

Ingiuem: She's safe. That's all that matters.

Claire: Jill's strong. I'm sure she'll be fine.

Izuku: You're right besides she's not alone, she has a friend.

Leon: We better get moving, this place is gonna blow!

The four: Right!

They all ran for it and saw weird plant monsters along the way. They didn't have time for them so they just ran past them.

Moments Later

Narrator of Izuku's Pov.

We made it while dealing with so many enemies in our way. We entered a room that had a train inside and needed something to power up.

Izuku Yagi: G.T- Experiment(Resident Evil Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat