Ch. 5: Laboratory: The Church & Lab

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The Church

Izuku's Pov.

Rebecca, Billy and I found ourselves looking at a Church. I went opened it but it was locked so we checked everywhere. Then suddenly we heard a click and I look to my feet to see me stepping on the floor panel. So I told Billy to wait here and I went to investigate the Church along with Rebecca.

Izuku: Weird of Marcus to have next to a Research Facility.

Rebecca: Well, he has funny way of being biblical.

I sigh and nodded. We looked around the Church and we checked to find some ammo, fire grenades, and another type-writer.

Izuku: Why do we always keep finding type-writers everywhere?

Rebecca: You need to think he's writing a novel?

Izuku: 'scoffed' Yeah, a book about Umbrella Corporation, that'll be the day.

We were done looking around so went back. We left the back room and then heard a loud crash. A squeal was heard and we looked up to see a giant bat.

Izuku (muttered): You gotta kiddin' me.

Rebecca: What do we do?

Izuku: Question later, right now shoot.

The Bat

Narrator's Pov.

They fired at bat and others came beside it. Rebecca fired her grenade launcher at the Giant Bat and it was still kicking. It goes to attack Rebecca so Izuku grabbed her pushing her away from the bat. The bat squeals and Izuku looked at the bat with deadly glare.

Izuku: I'll give you something to squeal about.

He got his knife, got on the church bench and jumped on the bat. He screams at the top of lungs and stabs the bat in the head multiple times. He flies to the ground dead and Izuku lands perfectly.

Izuku: Don't mess with my partner.

Izuku looked at Rebecca with a concerned look.

Izuku: Are you alright, Becca?

Rebecca (red face): Y- yes I'm fine. Thank you.

After that, they were about to leave but they spotted a hole in the church. Izuku was thinking and Rebecca noticed it.

Rebecca: What?

Izuku: I've got a idea.

Izuku took a deep breath and goes down. Then after that, he leaps in the air really high and grabbed on the ledge. Rebecca was surprised by this.

Rebecca: 'surprise' Izuku, you are crazy

Izuku: 'chuckled' Just a little.

He sees a ladder and goes down to the ground. He also finds a lever and Flips it down, which restores power to the elevator.

Laboratory B2

Izuku Yagi: G.T- Experiment(Resident Evil Story)Where stories live. Discover now