Ch. 6 Factory: A Friend, A Tyrant, and Saving Billy

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Izuku's Pov.

It was now just me and Rebecca, we don't know if Billy is alive or worse. We arrived at the platform.

Izuku: We should keep moving if we wanna find Billy.

Rebecca nodded and we went forward to somewhere we didn't know.

Izuku: Where did we end up?

Rebecca: I guess we'll find out.

We moved forward to find Billy and get the hell out of here.

Moments Later.

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku and Rebecca were searching for Billy. They have found some ammo and a map of the Factory in the control room.

It needed a key to activate it and so they used a lift. The lift led them to a Monitor Room.

They found the key and saw something dangerous on the monitor screen. Izuku's eyes widened by surprise.

Rebecca: What is that?

Izuku: Something dangerous. If something happens, stay close and I'll watch your back.

Rebecca: Alright.

Then two hunters showed so Izuku took care of them by throwing them over the ledge to not waste ammo.

Rebecca: Nice!

Izuku nodded and after that, they kept moving. Izuku installs the key which makes a giant appear so with that, they rode it hoping to lead them somewhere safe.

Turntable Platform

Izuku's Pov.

We arrived at another location, it looked safe for now. However, now was not the time to relax.

We found an elevator but it would only work if we had an elevator key.

Izuku: We need a key for this. You think they left it here?

Rebecca: Only one way to find out. Let's go!

We searched on the other side to find another elevator but someone was coming. It was the vice captain, Enrico Marini

He came out and turned his gun at us.

Izuku: Easy, Captain it's just us.

He sighs with relief and lowers his gun.

Rebecca: You're alive!

Enrico: Are you two okay?

Izuku: Yeah. So where are the others?

Enrico looked around while speaking.

Enrico: They should have arrived here before me.

He looked back at us.

Enrico: Haven't you seen them?

Izuku Yagi: G.T- Experiment(Resident Evil Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat