Ch. 19: Talk about the G, The Lab, and Wong's Plan

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(Note: I know in the remake, you William battle in the sewers but I decided not to do that.)


Izuku's Pov.

Mom was explaining how Ada and Ava are involved in the G Virus.

Ada was trying to find information about it so she like a mercenary. Claire was in another room with Sherry

I was listening to everything my mom had to say and Tenya was beside me.

Izuku: So you're telling me that Ava and her sister are getting everything they have on the G-Virus?

Annette: Most likely.

Ingiuem: Do you know who they are working for?

Annette: Nope, sorry.

Izuku: They must be working for a former employee of Umbrella.

Annette: But who?

Ingiuem: Whoever it is, he or she must know everything about the virus. Was anyone close to your husband?

Izuku: 'sighs' Well, there is one person but.. he's dead? Wait a minute.

Annette: What?

Izuku: The Mansion was set to self destruct and the tyrant was released by an unknown person while he was in that tube chamber. I think I know who did it.

Annette: Wait, you don't mean...

Izuku: Yup, he's alive.

Annette: Oh no. How?

Ingiuem: Who?

Izuku: Albert Fucking Wesker!

I punched a wall leaving a crack on it. Tensei saw this and was shocked.

Ingiuem: W-What just.. what just happened?

Izuku: Let's just say we have history.

Annette: Izuku is not really a big fan of him. He used to work for Umbrella and was a top researcher.

Ingiuem: What did he do to him?

Izuku: I'll explain it later, I should probably interrogate Ada.

Annette: She's this way.

We followed her to the office. Claire and Sherry were waiting outside.

She was tied up and I sat down. She woke up from her nap.

Ada: Hey, Izuku... Be a dear and-

Izuku: Save it, I know everything.

Ada: What are you talking about?

Izuku: Oh nothing. Just the fact my mother told you and Ava are not FBI agents.

Ada: 'sighs' Okay, you got us. What else do you know?

Izuku Yagi: G.T- Experiment(Resident Evil Story)Where stories live. Discover now