Ch. 12: Back to the Mansion, A Yawn's Revenge, and The Traitor?

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Izuku's Pov.

We managed to make it back to the mansion and came back the way we came.

I stopped to hear a noise coming from behind us and I turned to see a giant green monster. I thought I recognized it before.

It runs to attack us and we dodged it by moving out of the way. We destroyed it before it destroyed us.

Jill: What is this thing?

Izuku: I've seen this before.

Jill: You have? When?

Izuku: Before me and Rebecca met with you guys, we met this thing at a research facility.

I sighed at this.

Izuku: I never thought I would see you again.

Jill: Let's go, we need to check the rest of the Mansion.

I nodded and we went to check the places. The Mansion was big but nothing we couldn't handle.


We went to a couple rooms and came across a Library. We walked forward and heard something coming through the window.

Izuku: That's not good.

The thing that came out was the same snake that killed Richard and I sighed with annoyance.

Izuku: Shit! Him again?!

Jill: Come on!

The next thing we knew, we started to run away and we went down the ladder. The door for the library was locked and we were cornered with the snake.

Izuku: Here we go again.

Jill: Get Ready!

We fired at the Snake and it started to attack us but we stood our distance. The snake started to feel weak.

Izuku: He's almost done!

Jill: Good!

We fired the big guns at it and in a result, he knocks over some books. We looked at the Snake and it was finally dead.

Izuku: For Richard.

Jill: Yeah

We looked at each other and nodded. After that, we searched the place to find a book that says "Eagle of South, Wolf of North" on the cover. I opened to find a silver wolf medal inside.

Izuku: A medal?

Jill: Who keeps a medal in a book?

Izuku: For something useful, so I better keep this for safe keeping.

I put it in my pocket for safe keeping.

Jill: So where to now?

Izuku: There's a door by the fireplace, and we can use this key to unlock it.

Jill: Alright, let's go!

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