Ch. 11 Residence: Sharks and Plant 42

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Rec Room

Izuku's Pov.

After passing through enemies, Jill and I stumble across a building and enter a room. We found a safe room so that was useful.

We entered into some type of bar with books. Two spiders were found and were neutralized.

Jill: I hate spiders.

Izuku: I think Ron Weasley would agree.

Jill: Ron who?

Izuku: Eh, don't worry about it.

We looked around the place and found some ammo, and a red book which is unprinted. I started to light the red lamp and an eye shadow appeared from the light.

Izuku: Wow, that's nice.

Jill: Yeah, it is.

We went upstairs to find a pool table and found another lamp but it was orange. I looked at the number of balls which seemed like a code for something. I also found a green lamp and lit it.

Although, the eyes looked a little different. I wonder what it could mean. I wrote it down just in case and like that we were done searching the room.

Central Corridor

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku and Jill enter the central corridor to look at other rooms. Suddenly, they heard voices coming from room 002.

???: No, that wasn’t part of our deal.

???: Like I said, I have my orders.

???: But it’s not necessary to destroy S.T.A.R.S.!

Jill could barely hear the voices but Izuku heard them thanks to his super hearing. The voices were Barry and Wesker but like I said only Izuku could hear them.

Wesker: Don’t be a hard dog to keep under the porch, Barry...

Barry: What about my family?

Wesker: I will guarantee their safety.

Wesker walked away and you can tell from his shadow. He went away somewhere but where though.

Barry: 'sighs' If I play my cards right.

Izuku and Jill turn away from the door. Izuku sighs and thinks about something.

Izuku (thoughts): Wesker, why do you lie to him? Oh, I know why because you're a sociopath.

Jill: Who was Barry talking to?

Izuku: 'sighs' I think we should ask him.

Jill: Okay, are you alright, Izuku?

Izuku (smiled): Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Jill: Well, sure I guess we can ask but we won't get much.

They entered the room to find Barry there but it was only him.

Barry: Jill! Izuku! Don't scare me like that.

Izuku: Sorry, Burt. So who were you talking to?

Jill: Wow, straight to the point, huh?

Izuku Yagi: G.T- Experiment(Resident Evil Story)Where stories live. Discover now