Chapter 35

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*• November 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< Heathers >~

"JUST SHIT ALREADY!" Harry growled in frustration, watching as Liam did bicycle crunches on the floor of the hotel room.

Liam exclaimed in equal frustration, "I'm trying!"

Liam hadn't been able to go to the bathroom in days. So as the good friends they all were, they'd been spending the last two hours trying to help him.

Addie was holding her phone next to Liam, a youtube video called 'Music to Help You Poop' playing at top volume. It was some weird synth music mixed with electric piano. Not half bad.

They'd researched every method possible to help Liam out, and currently he was doing some odd form of bicycle crunches with water bottles in his hands that Niall had found.

"What if you just ate like a bowl of oats?" Louis offered as an idea, sitting cross-legged on the bed, his chin resting against his hand as he watched Liam.

"I've eaten only oats for breakfast this week!" Liam said, sweat dripping down his forehead. He exhaled sharply. "I thought it'd help but it only made it worse."

"Right, so WebMD says that eight days of constipation could be a sign of kidney cancer," Zayn commented, scrolling through his phone as he read.

Liam let out a terrified squeak, "What?"

Addie scoffed, pushing herself away from the wall she'd been leaning against and ducking down to snatch Zayn's phone away. "Don't use the internet for health advice, dumbass."

Zayn shrugged casually, "I never said it was a true."

"I have to shit," Liam declared with determination, still shell-shocked from Zayn's words. "I can't have cancer. I'm too pretty to die!"

Addie was unable to stop her laugh at how serious Liam was about his words.

God, she loved her five idiots.


It was finally here, the first presentation of Heathers, and Addie's first time performing musical theater. She'd spent months working on this, and now it was time for everyone to see it.

The five guys had managed to get a two-day break to come and watch Addie perform. Addie and Harry had to agree to do a walk in public where paparazzi could get pictures in order for them to get permission. It had taken a lot of negotiation.

When Addie got into the music industry, she didn't expect to have to trade the privacy of her relationship in exchange for her friends to have a break from work.

She got up early in the morning, went for a quick run outside, showered and had breakfast (a coffee because she'd eaten bread yesterday and had to compensate for the extra calories), all before Harry woke up.

He stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his curls all smushed up and pillow marks on his face. He looked so soft and warm this way, Addie's heart melted at the sight.

His arms wrapped around her waist, chin over her shoulder as she made her coffee. He yawned and said, "I woke up and you were gone."

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