Chapter 31

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*• September 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< High Infidelity >~

IT WAS ADDIE'S BIRTHDAY. She officially turned seventeen today, and she would spend it celebrating with her friends.

It was the first time in two months that Tara escaped work to spend time with Addie, so she'd stayed the night before the party, and they were currently getting ready together.

"Hold on, your eyeliner's a little crooked, babe," Tara said, grabbing Addie's chin and tilting her head up to clean up the edges of the eyeliner with a makeup wipe.

As Tara's fingers delicately touched her cheek, and the corner of her eyelid, Addie began thinking about how sometimes Tara's treatment of her felt like what an older sister should've been like. What Paola could never do.

Tara had taught Addie how to curl her hair, how to do her eyeliner, had given her advice on guys, had taken her to buy her first bra from Victorias's Secret and done all the cliché things older sisters did.

Sometimes Addie wished Tara had been her sister, so their bond was not just by choice but also blood. To forge the bond just a little stronger.

"There you go," Tara said, moving her hands away. "Gorgeous."

Addie grinned. "Thanks, Tara. Hey, do you think the dress is a little too much?"

"Baby, it's your birthday. Nothing is ever too much."

Addie laughed, beginning to put her dress on. "Zip me up?" She brushed her hair out of her way as Tara closed the zipper. Addie smoothed down the front of the light blue dress, admiring the silver details weaved into the skirt. "Harry's meeting Mel for the first time today."

"Yeah?" Tara prompted, brushing Addie's hair back into place after the zipper was up.

"I'm a little bit scared he won't like her."

"How come?"

Addie shrugged. "Dunno. I like Mel, so I don't see why he wouldn't. I guess I just... I really think I have a future with him, so I want him to like every part of my life, y'know? My friends are his friends and vice versa."

"If you like her, I'm sure Mel's great," Tara gently reassured the younger girl. Tara was wearing a wine red button-up tucked into black dress pants. She looked beautiful.

The doorbell rang, and Addie checked the time. "Shit, it's time. You ready?"

Tara grinned, holding out her arm and walking her down the stairs. "Harry's going to love your dress."

Addie smiled nervously, opening the front door with slightly shaky hands. There stood her favorite person.

All breath left Addie's lungs when she saw Harry. He was wearing black skinny jeans, and a light blue button-up with several of the buttons undone, giving a peak at his chest, just before reaching his abs, and a black blazer. Addie had told Harry what color shirt to wear, so they'd be matching. She didn't think he'd look that fucking amazing.

It wasn't fair, how stunning he looked, with his hair combed back and that smirk. He knew the power he held, with the slight peak at the smooth muscles underneath his shirt. And his jawline... god his jawline.

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