Chapter 17

526 21 53

*• May 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< Whispers Turned To Talking >~


At least, that's what every magazine on display at the supermarket said.

Addie had colored contacts in and a red-haired wig on. The only way she could go grocery shopping without getting recognized.

As the cashier scanned the groceries, Addie looked at the magazine. You look pregnant.

That's why Addie needed to lose weight. So people wouldn't think she was pregnant.

Addie had tried staving off her bad eating habits, after Harry had mentioned some concerns. "You don't eat enough," he'd said.

So Addie had tried to eat. So Harry wouldn't have to worry about her. So she wouldn't be a burden anymore.

And now she looked pregnant because of all the weight she gained.

It was a harsh reminder of why Addie maintained her diet.

It was fine. She'd have to go back to calorie deficit, just until she lost the weight.

It was fine.

Addie had things under control.

And Addie was only human. And sometimes humans are masochists. At least, that's the only logical explanation she could find for why she asked the cashier, "What do you think about this chick?"

Addie showed the magazine to the cashier, a brunette woman who seemed to be in her late twenties. Her name tag said 'Max'.

Max looked up from where she was weighing the avocados. "Adelaide Heathers?"

Addie nodded, feigning ignorance. "Is that what she's called?"

Max hummed in response. "Yeah. Honestly, Adelaide seems like a bit of a bitch. I mean, I get it, she's sixteen, but c'mon, typical spoiled little brat who dates every guy in a five mile radius."

The woman waiting in line behind Addie scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Didn't you see Adelaide's dating that Harry Styles guy now?"

Max gasped. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, but let's be honest, it's not going to last," The woman snorted in laughter.

"It's going to last two weeks tops," Max joked, winking at the woman. And then she turned to Addie. "I swear, if Adelaide is actually pregnant, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."

Addie's breakfast suddenly sat too heavy in her stomach. And the thought of running to the bathroom and purging was tempting.

"Have you seen how fat she is? No way she's not pregnant," the woman remarked, gesturing at the magazine in Addie's hands.

Addie looked down at the magazine, noting all the little details she didn't before. The bump of her stomach, her thighs were too big, her arms too flabby. You couldn't even see her jawline.

Addie swallowed thickly, smiling half-heartedly at the woman as she put the magazine back in place. "She does seem like a bit of a bitch."

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