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*• October 2011 •*
- North Carolina -
~< The First Beginning > ~

{ Harry's POV of Chapter 1 }

"DON'T TRY AND FLIRT WITH HER, NIALL!" Liam chided, flicking the blond's hair.

Niall scoffed, slapping Liam's hand away. "Why not?"

"You'll scare her away!"

Niall was hopelessly in love with Adelaide Heathers, even though he knew her only by the pictures on the CDs he had back at home, and the music videos he'd watched countless times.

For Niall, being able to perform with Adelaide Heathers was a dream come true.

Harry thought Niall was a bit too much of a dreamer to have such high hopes. From what he'd heard about Adelaide and the kind of person she was behind the scenes, he doubted Niall would get along very well with her.

"Excuse you, but I am extremely charming."

"You aren't," Louis deadpanned, and Harry turned to him, a soft smile as he looked at the boy in front of him. His blue eyes looked beautiful in this light.

Louis' eyes look beautiful in any light, Harry thought. He'd never get enough of Louis, in his opinion.

Who could? The way his eyes crinkled in the corners when he smiled, the tiny bite of the lip he did whenever he concentrated, his accent. Oh god, his accent.

Whenever Harry was around Louis, all logical thinking was thrown out the window, and all he could think about was the boy in front of him, with baby blue eyes and soft brown hair.

All Harry could think about when he was away from Louis was the next time he'd be able to see him.

Maybe Harry was a little obsessed, but so what? If your boyfriend was Louis Tomlinson, you'd be the same way.

At least that's what Harry reasoned every time, so he wouldn't come off as a stalker and/or crazy person. Although Harry likely was a crazy person.

"Hazza?" Louis asked, snapping his fingers in front of his eyes.

Harry blinked quickly. "Wait. What?"

Louis snickered, smiling at his boyfriend's shenanigans. "I said, we're almost there, so get ready, babe."

"Sorry, I zoned out," Harry explained, looking at his reflection in the window and using it as a mirror as he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up.

"I could tell," Louis said, and then leaned in close, so his lips were tantalizingly close to Harry's. "What were you thinking 'bout?"


Louis pressed a quick kiss to Harry's cheek, a mad glint to his eyes. "Good. Let it stay that way."

"Ew, get a room," Zayn groaned, faking vomiting in his seat. "Disgusting."

Louis flicked Zayn's ear, who yelped and held the sore spot.

It had taken a little time for Louis and Harry to get comfortable being open around the other boys, and for them to be comfortable enough to joke about Louis and Harry, but after a bit of trial and error, they'd found a balance.

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