Chapter 21

495 16 77

*• May 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< Happily >~


Addie couldn't explain the small rush of pleasure of the way her shirt tucked into cargo pants with a nice belt looked. How her waist looked slim but still... not so feminine.

Leaning against the door of the closet and staring in the mirror, Addie began to realize how much she enjoyed when she could hide her curves, when something about her took on sharper, darker features.

Addie wasn't sure what this feeling meant. And the more she thought about it, the less she could breathe, and the tighter her ribs became around her lungs.

The alarm ringing on her phone snapped Addie out of her trance. She'd spent the last hour changing outfits and fooling around with her makeup and hair. Until she got this look.

Addie turned the alarm off, knowing it meant it was time to head out to pick Harry up from the airport. She headed out the door, car keys, phone and wallet clutched in her hand with her sunglasses and coffee cup in the other.

Addie should've probably grabbed a bag, but it would've diminished the outfit. Plus, she was a bit of a masochist, and had learned how to carry an insane amount of things at the same time.

The airport was stuffed with people, and Addie knew there was a high likelihood of getting caught out with Harry, when so many witnesses were around, but at the moment, all Addie could care about was seeing her boyfriend again.

Harry had sent Addie a selfie right before takeoff, where he had on a black beanie and a gray hoodie. She'd chided him, saying his curls would be all smooshed. He replied by saying she could just run her fingers through his hair and un-smoosh his hair. Addie, the teenage love puddle that she was, secretly blushed, and was grateful he wasn't there to tease her about her pink-dusted cheeks and then refused to reply to his message.

Addie scanned the crowd for her boy, her smooshed hair, black beanie, gray hoodie, vainilla-smelling boy.

Funnily enough, the first thing Addie recognized was the dark brown suitcase Harry was lugging around. And once she did, despite all logic and reasonable thinking telling her that she should try and be as discreet as possible, Addie ran into the crowd, searching for the green-eyed boy.

Spotting her amongst the crowd, Harry quickened his pace and when she jogged towards him, he threw open his arms just in time to catch her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Addie bathed in this new luxury of his arms, of his warmth and his presence. This was Harry, soft brown curls, lively green eyes, all comfort and home.

Taking a deep breath, Addie smiled as she was hit with the realization that she was finally with Harry again. She missed him the way the sun might misses the moon, constantly awaiting another eclipse so that they may be able to reunite.

Harry shifted his body, giving her a one-sided hug, refusing to let go of her as his arm remained over her shoulder. They walked towards Addie's car, while he talked about his flight.

Something was off.

Addie tried to place what had changed, why something felt different. But everything seemed the same.

Harry was still had his kind, soulful energy. He hadn't cut his hair. He talked the same. He dressed the same.

It proved to become bothersome, the knowledge that something was ajar, but not being able to quite put her finger on it. Like a word on the tip of your tongue, just out of reach.

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